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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About duece

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    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 10/02/1961

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  1. Ah the girls in Ireland are playing for the Solhiem Cup, The only one missing from our European collection. I think we hold The Ryder cup , The Walker Cup and The rideher Cup Come on girls
  2. Will arrive about 28th October 2011 and Leave 17th November. Will be up for all the games Cheers Duece
  3. Hi Callum Include me for 2010 Hell is it really #9 Handicap 13 Europe Shirt size XxL Cheers Duece
  4. Can't believe no-one has mentioned Smokey - Living Next Door to Alice (don't know why?) Here are some others of mine Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (was very popular a few years ago) Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen The Rain LeAnn Rimes - How Do I Live Without You (Lesbian show in Catz) Cheers Duece
  5. Great pics Frosty. Another great Rideher Cup apart from the score :-( Them last two pics are really worrying :-)))) Cheers Duece
  6. Is it eighth WOW! so it is. I will be there again here are the results from the other 7 events 2002 EUROPE 4 ½ 3 ½ 2003 USA 7 5 2004 MATCH HALVED 8 8 2005 USA ? ? (can't remember this one maybe Bob or Callum can) 2006 EUROPE 11 9 2007 USA 13 ½ 8 ½ 2008 Match Halved 10 1/2 10 1/2 OVERALL USA 3 EUROPE 2 HALVED 2 Cheers Duece
  7. As captain of the euro team I think a draw was a fair result and close matches are so much more fun. Thanks to All at solar golf, Chicago Bob (for all his work on the course), FLB , and of course Frosty for posting these great pics. I hope all who played enjoyed the day as much as I did Cheers Duece
  8. Ouch As one that this has happened to a few times in the past (sprains) it bloody well hurts Hope it is Ok for November Tom and other parts of the body apart from the old ankle swell then Look after yourself Mate Cheers Duece
  9. Yes Bertie you are one of the captains picks, But the last two have nothing to do with the golf Cheers Duece
  10. Jambo on my hands and knees begging you to play this years Rideher Cup Whoops sorry I thought you were playing for USA See you and John again this Year Danny Cheers Duece
  11. You know I am a primed Athlete Great to see you will be back again So will you be in bed by 10:30, alone, after 2 cokes like the rest of your team mates Cheers Duece
  12. Hi I will be there again Team = Europe Handicap = 14 Size = S whoops no XXL Cheers Duece The event is delicately poised with 3 victories each to Europe and USA. Not sure that the US captain agrees with that LOL
  13. Laem Chabang Is a great course you will enjoy that one. For serious golfers I would next play Siam CC they have took 2 years to redo and it shows I played there last month and it was in great condition. I enjoy Burapha's layout, but not the same class as the two above. Hope this helps Duece
  14. What a shame I will miss Love playing in the CATZ opens they are good days on the course and great parties. Will be there for the November Open Cheers Duece
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