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Everything posted by stgervais

  1. Very interesting. I will be in Taiwan in October and will make it a point of visiting Yilan. Thank you for sharing. St.Gervais
  2. Funny stuff... Darn I miss Pat. Thank you for your report.
  3. Well done Monkeyman... Thanks for pictures, commentary and laughs.
  4. Paul... Was hoping to use your service when I arrive on October 12 but as you will be out of the country I will use another source. But will you/Jan be available for the return trip to airport from Pattaya on October 24? I am in the process of finalizing my travel plans. Pls let me know. Thanks
  5. MM... excellent idea to promote special deals to FLB members. More should be done in that area included a variety of resources that newbies may need during their stay, especially in times of emergency. Any of our resident members interested in starting a file entittled Newbies Resources Center?
  6. I thought I was registered as a member... but apparently not for the "members only" forum... and upon checking further it appears you will not accept my e-mail address: destgervais@yahoo.com So now what? BTW I am a member of Pattaya Talk. StGervais
  7. Thanks wrassel for the photos. Koh Lam looks enticing. Will try to include during my trip in October... hopefully in the company of a sweet TG. deStGervais
  8. Great idea except I won't be there until October 12... can this be done again at that time? deStGervais
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