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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Sky Top's a great spot for those needing broadband

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Skytop is a great bargain, both for its Internet cafe with broadband and for its rooms. I am using Skype, which is an excellent free program and my laptop computer to communicate with friends and key business contacts back in the U.S. Quality is superb when calling other computers. I also use it to call regular telephones in the U.S. including my credit card company and my bank. Cost runs around 2 cents a minute making calls to telephones in the U.S. and is free when calling other computers Using the Internet cafe here at Skytop runs just 1 baht per minute.


For my needs it's hard to beat this place. It is a small guesthouse with just seven rooms. Rooms run 450 to 650 baht per night depending on the size. I am here for two months and am paying 16500 baht a month for a room that would normally run 650 baht a night. This is virtually a small apartment with its own bedroom curtained off from the living room. There's a tv, a refrigerator, microwave, a cabinet of dishes, silverware, pots and pans, etc. The owner is Pete Long, an Aussie, and a great guy who is a great source on getting along in Pattaya. Pete has an excellent staff of young Thai ladies to run the guest house and internet cafe for him and a separate crew to give massages.


Skytop is difficult to locate at first because of its small size so you have to look for it It's less than two blocks South of Soi 6 on 2nd Road just next to the Tourist Police Station. Its location is excellent as it is only a ten minute walk from Soi 7 and 8, five minutes to Soi 6, just a few blocks from Big C and even closer to Topps on Central Road. You can visit its web site at http://www.skytoppattaya.com/

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Thanks for the info, sounds like one hell of a deal. Surprised to see the in-room safe. Will have to give it a try!

Edited by carcareers
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I have taken a look at the skytop, and I did not like the tiny 4x6 bathroom, none of the doors to the bathroom could not lock.  And the space that is left open at the top of the wall lets any smells and sounds out.  If I farted, you could hear it.  This can be very embarassing for a lady (they make farts too ,

:chogdee Just love that remark ,


Its so genuine and hosest .


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The bathrooms at Skytop vary. The last time I was here--October 22nd-November 22nd, I bounced back and forth from one, with the small bathroom to a room with a much larger bathroom. I suppose my lady visitors are not that embarrassed since they are leaving behind their toothbrushes, earings and bracelets.


There is one great advantage to the small bathrooms however. When you are in the shower with a lady you have just barfined you can get all kinds of leverage from the walls for various positions for both of you.

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Yes. Your timing couldn't have been better. I am presently (as I type) on Skype talking with Baron in the U.S. and as I am listening to him, thinking of the Doctor and whether I want the full oil massage or a foot massage from her this afternoon. Woke up stiff in the back, thinking of the chiropracter in the U.S. I have not seen for over a month. Good night's sleep for a change so i will want to hit lots of bars tonight and barfining someone new. But the fully nude oil massage from her might take the edge off and I want that edge.

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I'll go along with the skytop recommendation. The "large room" is really large and the broadband access allows me to telecommute during the day (which then gives me the ability to stay in Thailand longer and have the business funding all this fun not fall apart in my absense).


I've probably spent a total of 30 days at Skytop in two trips and this is the first time I even thought about the bathroom issue. The bathroom door for room 101 locks (not that I've ever felt the need to lock it) and the opening at the top never really bothered me or my TG.


The last time I was here in November the beer bars next door were an annoyance until 2am or so. They were eliminated a few months ago so now it's very quiet at night if you want to sleep or nap any time of the day or night.


But I particularly like the staff at Skytop. They are fun to joke around with

and very helpful as well.

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I stayed there and I did'nt like it, there are many other hotels in Pattaya for better prices and better quality rooms.


I dont have anything good to say about skytop, so I wont say it.


I ended up at the F&B hotel for 600bt a night, much better, nicer, and closer to Tops, and soi7.

F&B hotel info

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I think the bathrooms here at Skytop is a non issue. I for one have always considered losing weight on the thrown as a private moment to be shared with as few others as possible. During my marriage days my wife would often sit in the barthroom on the thrown with the door wide open whereas I'd close the door and lock it. Somehow breathing in the smells produced by one's sexual partner didn't exactly turn me on so I've always been a private person who did not enjoy making loud farting noises and the like while sitting on the toilet. I'd often keep a can of glade handy to freshen up the bathroom or I'd keep a book of matches handy. Lighting a match often helped to eliminate unwanted odors.


But for me the situation here at Skytop is about the same as it is practically anywhere else. Hotel bathrooms are not heavily insulated sound proof rooms so I don't think it makes very much difference where one goes. So far I am not keeping a book of matches in the bathroom here at Skytop and I've not bought a can of glade yet. So I suppose I am no longer much worried about toilet etiquette one way or the other. Right now I am much more concerned about my getting around outdoors without getting soaking wet during this Water festival known as Sondkran (forgive any mispellings here, the point is whether to get wet or not to get wet)

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I stopped by the Skytop out of curiosity last month. For me, there was absolutely nothing about the place worth recommending. As Ting Tong says, there are loads of better places at the price. You just have to get off your arse and have a look around. :D



Edited by CheshireTom
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I think that it's fairer to say that there are a lot of great places to stay that provide great value for your baht if you're willing to explore the smaller guest houses in Pattaya.


Saying that there's nothing to recommend Skytop makes no sense in a thread full of things to recommend it Perhaps you were saying that there's nothing specific to your particular needs that make Skytop better than other guest houses, but that others may in fact find it a good place to stay.


We're all so concerned with finding "the best" when that's such a subjective notion when we consider our differing want and needs.

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Any time a guy finds another cheap hotel we all benefit. Keep the websites coming.


IMHO Sky-Top is a cheap hotel that fits my needs. For 450 to 600 baht per night you get a room that's clean the AC, TV and fridge works. Internet café and it's close to Soi 6 and BigC (take that Mike


For a guy to walk in and say "For me, there was absolutely nothing about the place worth recommending". One wonders if he actually was there and if he was did he have his eyes open or does his animosity towards me color his opinion? One wonders?


I almost forgot in room safe. How many cheap hotels offer this? Rooms cost $11.25USD per night or 8 Euros give or take. I think some guys expectations at this price are unrealistic?

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For a guy to walk in and say "For me, there was absolutely nothing about the place worth recommending". One wonders if he actually was there and if he was did he have his eyes open or does his animosity towards me color his opinion? One wonders?



So what is worth recommending about the place? Location? Hardly; it is on 2nd Road with the continual noise from traffic, day and night. The nearest shopping malls are Tops and BigC, neither which could be described as being close by - they are on the same road, that's all. Room faciities? Cheap and nasty furnishings with a small, uncomfortable bed and synthetic bed-linen. Threadbare curtains to make sure you wake up along with the sun. Helpful manager and staff? Was it not you who wrote:


"I'm sitting outside the Sky-Top Hotel watching couple of girls play pool. I'm staying at the hotel, drinking a beer and talking to a friend. The outside girl turns on the music and it's a bit loud. I can't talk to my friend. I ask her to turn it down. She tells me NO go inside if you want to talk. I talk to the owner and he comes outside and tells her to turn it down and she does. Few minutes later he leaves the hotel and she turns it back up. I grab the remote and turn it OFF. She gets mad, you bad man she shouts. Later my BG asked , why you turn off. She speaks excellent English and I try to explain the concept of customer service and I quickly realize it's going in one ear and out the other."




"No, i wasn't left in charge of the remote but I am a paying customer and I didn't feel the need to go some place else. I just wanted to continue the conversation I was having before I was rudely interrupted by an employee with poor customer service skills."


I think you explained it much better than I ever could.


As many others have said, much better places for the price.



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Once again it always interesting that a guy will go thru all the time and effort to hunt down a previous post from long ago. Sky-Top was owned by a different guy back then and I had one problem, count it, one problem with a staff member and you want to run with it as if it's a daily occurrence. Like I said and others have stated, friendly staff. Maybe you missed that statement from others or do you just choose to ignore positive comments? Seems like it.


Soi 6 less then two minutes. Tops and BigC less then 10 minute walk. Your right 2nd Road has traffic but it's one block from the beach. Cheap and nasty furnishings and synthetic sheets. Your kidding right? What do you expect at this price point? Teak wood dresser? Mahogany bed board? Silk drapes? Get real. The place has AC, TV and fridge, in room safe and it's clean.


You have way to much time on your hands :o and it shows.

Edited by BigDUSA
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Are you saying Pete, the Aussie, does not own the place any more? :o


I don't know how many posts you have made recommending the SkyTop (20?, 30?, 40?) so why get upset when I make one post expressing a different opinion? Next thing you know, you'll get upset if I express the opinion that it isn't prudent to rely on a one-man taxi operation. 1luv



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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know how many posts you have made recommending the SkyTop (20?, 30?, 40?) so why get upset when I make one post expressing a different opinion?



Your post has limited validity IMHO because I seriously doubt that you ever visited Sky-Top.

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Been reading about this place for a while now so I was on a baht bus going to Big C and out of curiosity I stopped in to check it out. No where near as nice as the place I am staying on Soi Bukow and more expensive also. High speed internet on Soi Bukow priced at 30 baht per hour. So if you are looking for the best priced options in Pattaya go to Soi Bukow where there they are adding new hotels every month.

Edited by rob1599
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only in the lobby. never noticed it to be any quicker than any other net cafe i went into in pattaya. (ie explorer). and the rooms aren't worth it. my bed sank in the middle. gave my back right gip. only reason hotel gets mentioned on this board is because a member (bigdusa) has an (usually undisclosed) interest in it.

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I pay the same price as everyone else on this forum. It's a cheap hotel and should be judged as such. They offer high speed internet.

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