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Guest Winston_Churchill

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Guest Winston_Churchill
  bigmofo said:
Hi winnie why delete posts?and your last reply does not surprise me whats the matter i think most people know your the wanker as you start something and when someone makes you look stupid for your out of order comments you try threatning you really are a pathetic little man why dont you use that big mouth of yours to justify your comments on other threads but you can not can you because there is no justification other than your a sad tosser who gets off on flaming people for no reason :lol: btw iam not stalking you as you say but assholes like you need to be put straight and that does not mean violence.
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"this is in the open board where your not supposed to be abusing people, but then again a man who thinks a sheep is a woman is not to know the board rules"[/b] go to the members section off topic lets have some fun, the guys on here and my mates at work love it especially your infantile spelling,i think some of your posts belong in that thread MM set up about Thai writing mistakes, the thai mistakes aint nothing on your drivel :lol:

Anyone else who reads this i have sent the dumb idiot an im telling him the open board is not for arguing also i replied to his infant school message to me telling him not to flame on the open board,he quite obviously doesnt understand joined up writing yet,i will not be replying to his drunken rantings on the open board again.the members section is for his crap not here..

Edited by Winston_Churchill
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  Winston_Churchill said:

"this is in the open board where your not supposed to be abusing people, but then again a man who thinks a sheep is a woman is not to know the board rules"[/b] go to the members section off topic lets have some fun, the guys on here and my mates at work love it especially your infantile spelling,i think some of your posts belong in that thread MM set up about Thai writing mistakes, the thai mistakes aint nothing on your drivel :clap2

Anyone else who reads this i have sent the dumb idiot an im telling him the open board is not for arguing also i replied to his infant school message to me telling him not to flame on the open board,he quite obviously doesnt understand joined up writing yet,i will not be replying to his drunken rantings on the open board again.the members section is for his crap not here..

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Hi winnie, queerboy you really do think your funny dont you? i could not care less if guys on here and your freinds at work are getting a kick about my spelling mistakes etc.Yes i did read the thread started by mm about thai spelling mistakes which i found an amusing thread along with many other members.This is a qoute from your input into the thread which i find somewhat rich coming from you i.e. you say scots are like illegal immigrants for bleeding YOU dry and calling me a sheep shagger etc not that it bothers me its nothing new.quote winnie What nationality shall we take the piss out of next time????

It,s a good job we all understand Thai and their alphabet so they can,t rip into us!!

So sad. this coming from you :bonk i also suggest you read mm post in the thread titled is skytrooper a liar? and yes you did send me an im threatning me :beer where you did on the forum as well for calling you an idiot after calling me a wanker along with other things :clap2 Then you say i have alzimers as i insulted you first :P still waiting for you to post where i insulted you before you came out with your insults.Athough i think you will find your wrong again.But dont let that stop you from writing more of your crap, which does not even belong in the members section.

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Guest Winston_Churchill
  bigmofo said:
Hi winnie, queerboy you really do think your funny dont you? i could not care less if guys on here and your freinds at work are getting a kick about my spelling mistakes etc.Yes i did read the thread started by mm about thai spelling mistakes which i found an amusing thread along with many other members.This is a qoute from your input into the thread which i find somewhat rich coming from you i.e. you say scots are like illegal immigrants for bleeding YOU dry and calling me a sheep shagger etc not that it bothers me its nothing new.quote winnie What nationality shall we take the piss out of next time????

It,s a good job we all understand Thai and their alphabet so they can,t rip into us!!

So sad. this coming from you :wacko: i also suggest you read mm post in the thread titled is skytrooper a liar? and yes you did send me an im threatning me :nod where you did on the forum as well for calling you an idiot after calling me a wanker along with other things :nod Then you say i have alzimers as i insulted you first :clueless still waiting for you to post where i insulted you before you came out with your insults.Athough i think you will find your wrong again.But dont let that stop you from writing more of your crap, which does not even belong in the members section.

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:nod :nod :wanker

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Then you say i have alzimers as i insulted you first  still waiting for you to post where i insulted you before you came out with your insults.Athough i think you will find your wrong again.
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You first message on this topic on page one (the sixth message down) contained this


although i know reading something and understanding it, is not a strong point of yours 
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Perhaps this explains why Winston accused you of insulting him first and starting this whole agrument!

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Guest Winston_Churchill
  LondonFarang said:




You first message on this topic on page one (the sixth message down) contained this




Perhaps this explains why Winston accused you of insulting him first and starting this whole agrument!

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London it goes back further than this,but as anyone should know the open forum is not for arguing but the thick taff carries on regardless,maybe hes banned now because he wont listen to reason :unsure:

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Hi winnie iam not banned. I have not even received a warning maybe the mods have followed the threads in the members section and in a funny way see where iam coming from as you flamed me as well as others for no reason,but then again if they had been following the threads then you and that other idiot max would or should have received at least a warning for braking the forum rules i.e.threatening people just because your as hard as nails :D , .What do you mean i will not listen to reason?You insulted me in the members section and when i asked you why and how you thought the insults were anything to do with what i posted you followed up with more insults and then a threatening pm, for simply calling you an idiot which although true is very mild compared to what you said :clap1 as you say the open forum is not for arguing but even in the members section SOME of your posts do not belong there.Like i have said before i DID NOT insult you first which you claim(btw iam still waiting, mr full of shit but iam hard and if you do not like it i will use violence) <laugh please post where i did and i will apollogise like i and others have done when wrong,but being wrong is not in your vocabulary when you are PROVED to be wrong you just throw more insults and threaten violence :grin which shows to me as well as others you are a sad insecure pathetic little man who has some serious attitude defects that should be addresed. Get a life winnie your attitude really is the lowest of the low if you think it is acceptable to insult people for NO reason whatsoever, and then threaten people then you really are a sad loser.You say you want to go to the members section and have fun with me why dont you start with the thread that you insulted me FIRST,sorry for sounding childish but i think i have to talk to you as if iam talking to a child or teenager as your attitude is not of an adult and you my freind are the one that does not listen to reason :clap1 I know i should drop this but idiots like you imo are the reason there are so many lurkers here.Why should they post there experiances or input with people like you around.If there from a certain country or post things that do not tally with what you know or do you will shoot them down.

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Guest Winston_Churchill
  bigmofo said:
Hi winnie iam not banned. I have not even received a warning maybe the mods have followed the threads in the members section and in a funny way see where iam coming from as you flamed me as well as others for no reason,but then again if they had been following the threads then you and that other idiot max would or should have received at least a warning for braking the forum rules i.e.threatening people just because your as hard as nails :D ,  .What do you mean i will not listen to reason?You insulted me in the members section and when i asked you why and how you thought the insults were anything to do with what i posted you followed up with more insults and then a threatening pm, for simply calling you an idiot which although true is very mild compared to what you said :D as you say the open forum is not for arguing but even in the members section SOME of your posts do not belong there.Like i have said before i DID NOT insult you first which you claim(btw iam still waiting, mr full of shit but iam hard and if you do not like it i will use violence) <laugh please post where i did and i will apollogise like i and others have done when wrong,but being wrong is not in your vocabulary when you are PROVED to be wrong you just throw more insults and threaten violence :clap1  which shows to me as well as others you are a sad insecure pathetic little man who has some serious attitude defects that should be addresed.  Get a life winnie your attitude really is the lowest of the low if you think it is acceptable to insult people for NO reason whatsoever, and then threaten people then you really are a sad loser.You say you want to go to the members section and have fun with me why dont you start with the thread that you insulted me FIRST,sorry for sounding childish but i think i have to talk to you as if iam talking to a child or teenager as your attitude is not of an adult and you my freind are the one that does not listen to reason :nod I know i should drop this but idiots like you imo are the reason there are so many lurkers here.Why should they post there experiances or input with people like you around.If there from a certain country or post things that do not tally with what you know or do you will shoot them down.
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your 500 baht birds waiting for you


:grin :clap1

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  Barrington_Tenchanall said:
Mofo, six insults in your post, and before you start bleating again, ask yourself a question, would you speak to someone in this manner if they were stood in front of you?


You cannot expect to lob insults like the ones above and not expect a reaction, the world does not operate this way.


You hijacked a perfectly valid thread, and now come across as the injured party? 1luv


And if you insult certain members in this way, it would result in them bleating to the moderator, and your warn level would be increased by now.


Still, as a lot of us have come to expect, consistency was never a strong point with pete, and the new septic seems to be following in his footsteps.


And if your grasp of the written english word is anything to go by, you would be incapable of putting a six year old straight, never mind a full grown adult.

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Hi barrington thanks for dropping by and calling me a ham shanker, are you one of winnies freinds he talked about. :D I have asked myself your question and my answer is no way he would probably put the nut on me, the last thing i want in los is problems with the bib best to walk away from any agro no matter how much people think iam a pussy.As for your second paragragh i assume you have not read the thread in the members section as you would not of wrote what you did,or do you think it is ok for him to insult me because he is hard and when i react to his insults he threatens me,but the world can operate in this way because like i said before he is hard.I think the second paragragh would be better for winnie to read.As for hijacking a valid thread i guess it is ok for winnie to hijack threads lob his insults around which had nothing to do with what i posted and definatly had nothing to do with the ops question, which also helped no one who had contributed to the thread very sad behaviour imo.I would not insult certain members as you put it or any member for no reason,if i had reported him and especially max although i think max had a warning or realised he was wrong as he did go quite all of a sudden when not long before he had so much to say. Iam sure they would of received at least a warning for there threatening behaviour. Iam quite sure threatening members especially with no justification or no sign of being provoked is pretty near the top of the mods list on why they issue warnings or bans.The reason i did not bleat to the mods was because he can be helpful he does know a fair bit about los, and he has been a member here for a long time. Winnie said my posts are drunken rants but i do not drink when at home only on holidays or a mates birthday or some special occasion,i honestly think that winnies insults are mainly wrote while intoxicated which does not make him an asshole but just someone that can not handle there beer.I think maybe he would not behave like he does on here when met in person 1luv i can not see anyone lasting long in pattaya with the attitude he portrays of himself on here.I have not been a member long enough to notice petes lack of consistency as you state but it can not be easy overlooking a forum like this one and keeping everyone happy especially as some people do not understand when they are out of order. Finally your last paragraph (how do you start a new paragragh? <grin )it would be impossible to put certain people straight as they think they are always wright and anyone who does things different to them, or has a different opinion to there own is wrong and they better watch out because sometimes these sort of folks have a violent streak and will want to punch people in the mouth for daring to disagree or even just give there opinion on certain matters :chogdee2 Any way this is dragging on to far,the bottom line is winnie insulted me for no reason and then threatened me like the idiot he is :nod Your second paragraph i agree 100% with you but if you followed the other threads(not that you give a shit and why should you)you would of been better of aiming that towards winnie good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Big_Brian said:
I don't know either of you, but enough of this please. For the sake of the non-combatants, please keep it to PMs and out of the forums.
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Sorry brian and others,he did take it to pm but just threatned me :clap2 Winnie why dont you post where i insulted you first like you stated instead of throwing more insults it seems to me you are very good at avoiding the real issue and instead of admitting you were wrong or a liar you use more insults and the threat of violence :chogdee2 .You flamed me as well as others for no reason i.e. your flames had nothing to do with what people posted, how you came out with your shite after you read the threads :clap2 ,i know iam not the sharpest :D but when i reply to a thread it has something to do with the op question or what others have wrote,you just wade in with total crap which helps no one especially the op,and then threaten people :clap2 and then you lie on here saying i insulted you first WHERE MR BULLSHITTER why dont you show everyone,not only do you flame people for no reason whatsoever you are also a LIAR :nod Well like people are saying enough is enough :nod i think everyone apart from your freinds(btw if you ask your freinds to help you, please tell them the whole story so there posts do not make them look stupid like you) know that you post crude insults for no reason which even you must know from reading the threads in question,but instead of saying you were wrong,you post more insults and try threatening me,to make me and your bullshit posts go away and not make you look like a fool which you clearly are.Like your freind bt said you can not throw insults at people and expect nothing in return,but i forgot your well hard so you can. I would like to apologise to other members for this ongoing feud,but this guy insulted me for no reason and when i questioned why he posted what he did and also to point out what it had to do with what i posted or the op for that matter,he threw more insults then sent me a threatening pm.Winnie you are unbelievable you shallow pathetic little man.Any way winnie either post where i started all this like you claim.Or shutup as no one finds your insults or little pics amusing,it just highlights how shallow you are.

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Having just read most of this thread, all i can say is:





....... and neither of them know their there's from their their's!




Think you two guys need to meet up in LOS, have a few beers B) & settle your differences amicable......just make sure you have a very large/heavy/handy gent sat between you :D


.....'cos most of us are fed up of this string of drivel & continued personal insults on here.


You should both remember, that as great a utility as the internet is, in written communication, there is no intonation in the communication (smileys were invented to help here) & therefor comments sometimes intended somewhat tongue-in-cheek can easlily be misconstrued.

(That is not stating that I personally consider any or all of the comments were or are intended or not in that manner).

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