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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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NWA Cash and Miles

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Northwest has announced a fall cash and miles deal. You can fly from US to BKK for approx $450.00 plus 20,000 frequent flyer miles. Travel after 6 Sep and before a certain date in Dec. Not sure of all the rules but check it out at WWW.NWA.COM

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Not a bad deal. I just booked for end of Oct at $583 plus 20,000 miles. Thats from Dallas/Fort Worth round trip. Prior to this the cheapest fare for the same time period was $962 on an American/Eva combo. Northwest certainly is not a great carrier but at these fares they earn my business. A $370 airfare savings goes a long way in LOS.

BigD hope you're proud.



Edited by guido13
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as the mechanic went on strike last night a 2300 (approx 6400) and are being repaced by 1000 scabs, don't know how long or how many routes will be operating in the next few weeks.

that being said I think the international flights should operate as they are their only profitable routes. getting a reginal flight to get to your international flight coulf get dicey!!

NW will break the union at all costs, to include bankrupcy, as they are on the brink anyway.

the union realizes this is their last, best chance of get the "goverment" to step in. this is their only chance as they know. Deregulation signed there fate. Just as the US auto makers had to retool and refit after years of excess so will the US air carriers.

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Good luck with NWA guys, but despite what this dreadful carrier says, I believe this strike will be one of the final nails in their coffin. The management sold off all the shares that they could long before the strike was even a whisper, and I think this walk-out will cause passengers more than a modicum of grief.


Maybe they will go belly and more efficient carriers like Jet Blue and Southwest can take up the slack. At least no frills airlines warn in advance that you will be treated like cattle, something that NWA waits to spring on unsuspecting passengers until check in. Just my 2 baht worth. Jimmy

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Yeah, I used most of my NW FF miles on a trip earlier this month and my trip to Thailand next month is a freebie cause I used about all of my Delta FF miles.


I don't have a lot of faith either of them will be around much longer.


rb, better get to Pattaya before your home carrier goes belly up. :D

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Don't write NWA's obituary too soon :D


Yes, they'll probably file Chapter 11 but that means VERY little--UAL and USAir both have been flying for years while in bankruptcy.


TWA, before being bought by American, was in BK twice :o


The point--NW's probably going to be around A LONG time.

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