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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I will be down that way tonight so will see what I can do for you.

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  spitfire charlie said:
is it possible for anyone to get me the phone number for b52 bar on soi 8. i am absolutely desperate, or an email address for the establishment would suffice.


much appreciated



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Let me guess. A first time newbie now back home who's just returned from their first time in Pattaya (5th March) and has found the girl of dreams.


Most likely given a lot of advice by board members prior to his trip eg, don't fall in love etc etc, and then promptly forgot all the advice given to him when the first lady smiled at him?


Next we'll have a post on how to send money to his true love.


Tell me it isn't so :unsure:


Sorry if I'm being cynical but this looks way too familiar.

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Sorry if I'm being cynical but this looks way too familiar.
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The familiar cynicism of an old hand bolstering his ego by putting down a newbie.



Cynicism (from Wikipedia): Presently the word generally describes, somewhat pejoratively, the opinions of those disinclined to believe in human sincerity, in virtue, or in altruism: individuals who maintain that only self-interest motivates human behavior.

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  bob2005 said:
The familiar cynicism of an old hand bolstering his ego by putting down a newbie.



Cynicism (from Wikipedia): Presently the word generally describes, somewhat pejoratively, the opinions of those disinclined to believe in human sincerity, in virtue, or in altruism: individuals who maintain that only self-interest motivates human behavior.

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Actually ego's got nothing to do with it.


Based on reading his first and only post dated 26 January where he describes his forthcoming trip to Pattaya on 5th of March as the most exciting event in his entire life and seeking advice.


And now followed by a desperate plea for the contact number or email address of a bar.


One hopes that he hasn't fallen into the all too familiar trap, a lot of newbies fall into on their first visit of falling in love with the first girl to cross his path.

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  rightsaid said:
Actually ego's got nothing to do with it.


Based on reading his first and only post dated 26 January where he describes his forthcoming trip to Pattaya on 5th of March as the most exciting event in his entire life and seeking advice.


And now followed by a desperate plea for the contact number or email address of a bar.


One hopes that he hasn't fallen into the all too familiar trap, a lot of newbies fall into on their first visit of falling in love with the first girl to cross his path.

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i've fallen in love? but only with LOS :lol: the girls are an added bonus!!!


ps who's that bird you're using as your avatar? she looks very familiar :thumbup

Edited by deadman
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I know exactly what you mean about falling in love with LOS it's very easy to do.


I would hate that someone who is so excited to come to Thailand falling into an all too common trap. Become dissillusioned and then hate this place.


I don't know who the lady in the avtar is. I got it from this board. There is (or was) an option to get an avtar and this one was available.



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  rightsaid said:
Let me guess. A first time newbie now back home who's just returned from their first time in Pattaya (5th March) and has found the girl of dreams.


Most likely given a lot of advice by board members prior to his trip eg, don't fall in love etc etc, and then promptly forgot all the advice given to him when the first lady smiled at him?


Next we'll have a post on how to send money to his true love.


Tell me it isn't so :thumbup


Sorry if I'm being cynical but this looks way too familiar.

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well you guessed wrong, making assumptions isn't really your thing, it is a girl who's phone number i lost who i became good friends with. that is actually possible.


i took the advice i was given and shagged everything in site and didn't fall in love, i was with a mate who had been 3 times and was guided very well

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Thank God for that.


As I said I would hate that someone who is was so excited to come to Thailand falling into an all too common trap then becoming dissillusioned and then hating this place.


The longer you stay on this board you'll see newbies come on, and time after time make the same mistakes. It's good to see at least there's one who listens to the advice given to him.


Remember a lot of time advice given on this board is given from the point of view that we've seen or made those same mistakes and want people to learn from our mistakes.



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i took my advice well. dont get me wrong in a few years am gunna marry one of them thai sorts. they at least look after you, unlike greedy english women that just give you backchat and want feeding, the fat sods.


apparently your view of western women changes when you come back, is that true? :thumbup

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I love Thailand and I adore Thai Women and after fifty trips to Thailand in over 20 years I am better qualified than most to at least have an opinion however, before you set your heart on spending the rest of your life with a Thai babe, you need to spend a little time in understanding what goes on ''behind the smile'' :brokeheart

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  spitfire charlie said:
i took my advice well. dont get me wrong in a few years am gunna marry one of them thai sorts. they at least look after you, unlike greedy english women that just give you backchat and want feeding, the fat sods.


apparently your view of western women changes when you come back, is that true? :brokeheart

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Not one for giving advice ,

but if you become a member you will find alot more for you there .

this is open forum , ( some members may not even read your plea here)


Joe :ang2

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  spitfire charlie said:
unlike greedy english women that just give you backchat and want feeding, the fat sods.


apparently your view of western women changes when you come back, is that true? :thumbup

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Some Thai women will give you all the drama you can handle and more. Lot of crazy women out there. Some guys have the idea they are docile, demure, doormats. They are in for a big surprise :D.


I've been married to three American girls. All quality women.

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  spitfire charlie said:
i took my advice well. dont get me wrong in a few years am gunna marry one of them thai sorts. they at least look after you, unlike greedy english women that just give you backchat and want feeding, the fat sods.
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You have a lot to learn yet. But good luck with the forthcoming marriage.

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  dave_boo said:
So quality they realized their mistakes and said ciao? Sorry bigD, but can't resist the jab.
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I dumped one, one dumped me and I'm still with the third. Best one so far. :chogdee :chogdee2

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OK, the thai manager of the B52 bar on Soi8 is named Mee. spoke to him last night, nice enough guy. his number is 01-9040400, no phone number in bar, this is his mobile number. Hope that helps you out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Actually I fell in love with the very first bar girl I ever met, and we were happily married for six years. When she left, she refused to take a cent. I had to force her to take some money to get relocated and start a small buisiness. We are still in touch and still see each other regularly. She is probably my best friend. And I can trust her totally. She could have easily taken every cent I had as she had full access to all my accounts and I was away on buisiness often. I'll admit this kind of a thing ends up being the exception, rather than the rule, but there you go. They're not evil little nymphets.

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