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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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looking 4 name of hotel one soi north of diamond

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Need hotel within gogo girl walking distance from soi diamond.

I stayed at the diamond hotel. Lots of roaches. stinks, etc. location=awsome.

I saw a hotel one or two soi towards beach road. Walk towards water on diamond make right on walking and it is the next soi, or the one after that (then make a right and it is on the left). It is a tall building. The lobby is very nice. I forgot the name though.

Anybody know the name?

If so,is it roach/rodent free, clean, etc?

Any other suggestions within spoiled gogo girl walking distance of soi diamond?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Not the location you described but I noticed a hotel very near Walking Street called Lido Beach Hotel. It is located between Mcdonalds and Starbucks on Beach Road.

I haven`t stayed there but just thought the location good. I think website is www.lidobeachpattaya.com.

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I think its called the Grand Hotel, on the same soi as where Ben is going to open his place.

I stayed at the Grand a couple of years ago and was not a happy camper. Very long on the tooth, and musty with bad service. I actually moved to the Diamond which was much better....

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When I used to want to stay near Walking St I would stay at the Marine Yensabai Mansion on Soi Yensabai and only about a 5 minute walk to the Peppermint and Dollhouse go-gos. The place was new as it opened in 2003 with very large rooms and only cost 700 baht.

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Tall bulding is The Grand soi 14, when i stay there it have a small pool on the roof, great view from the room of the bay of Pattaya.

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look no further than the RG..brilliant nice and clean hotel no more than a 10 minute stroll to walking street, or get the baht busses than go by every 30 seconds

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