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Ask for the twinrx shot it is both A and B in one and consists of a series of 3 shots. Initial shot...one a month later...and then a final shot 6 months after the first. Should also get your tetanus shot reupped if its been a while.

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You should rely get all the jabbs you can. combined hepatits a b c / typhid(havrix) typhoid fever (tyaerix) diphtheria/ tetanus( revaxis). on top of that you should of had poleo, T B . . as T B is rife at the moment in Thailand also dont forget maleria. . and an asprin :D

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Avantas, Supras, Viagra wopps

HIB A is a one time one shoot

B is a 2 shoot six months apart, at least it was when I got them

don't know anything about C or if there is a vacination for it.

Most Insurance companies cover them as preventive medicen

and the are required if you are a first responder or have possiblity of blood bvorene pathigians.


yes get them, even if you don't go to asia.



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  • 2 weeks later...
don't know anything about C or if there is a vacination for it.

There is no vaccine for Hep C as yet.


Had my 1st reponders set last year 3 shot total

You should also get a booster shot after five years.

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Good Question, and I have a follow-up question.


I'm coming back after a three year absence and at most need boster shots. I have no health insurance and just walking into the doctor's office here is a fortune.


But I recall getting really sick in Bangkok and having to be taken to a clinic overnight with an I.V. in my arm and a nurse basically at my side for 24 hours. What would have cost me more than $1000 here was something like $25 in Bangkok. So whatever shots I can get over there is going to save me a lot of money.


I am wondering then if anyone has experience or recommendations in getting shots in Thailand at local clinics in Pattaya or else Bangkok.

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It'll be my first time going to LOS.

I intend to stay in BK and Pataya.

Should I get Hepatitus shots, A and or B?



get both. they're cheap and easy.


you can get Hep A anywhere. from food if the person preparing it didn't wash his/her hands after a messy ass-wipe.


Hep B is harder to get, but since there's a vaccination, why not just avoid worries?


if you're going to fuck up your liver, doing it by drinking, not by needless, easily-preventable diseases.

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If you have allergies to sulfa or egg based drugs let the Doc know as it will mess you up. Not sure if an alternative is available or not. Had mine while in the service and again as a paramedic. I do not have any allergic reaction to that med but some people do so just a word of caution.

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