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Gonzo last won the day on March 23 2015

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About Gonzo

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    Elite Poster

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    Jomtien and Darwin NT

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  1. From Jomtien it takes us 25 minutes via 332/331 to drive to the Queen Sirikit Hospital and 30 minutes to the U-tapao airport.There is a Thai bloke in our condo complex who will take us there for 500 baht in his BMW if needed.
  2. I thought about putting the video into the sports section, but the Kiwis are really mad about the Hakarena thingo. They say the Haka is a really important cultural thing for them.
  3. A 4x4 with a snorkel is a must in certain areas of Northern Australia during the wet season, especially when driving off the beaten track.
  4. Dr. Olivier moved back to his old premises opposite the Day/Night Hotel in the Soi before you get to Tukcom on Pattaya Tai, coming from Second Road a fair while ago. There is no need to make an appointment with him. Just walk into his clinic and you don't have to wait long. He is a fast and efficient doctor. He dispenses medicines from his premises as well.
  5. Gonzo

    world cup

    I was lucky enough to watch every game of the Women's WC on free to air TV here in Australia. Some of the top teams match it in the skills department with the best teams in the 2014 Men's WC, but would not suceed against them as they don't have the same physical attributes. Thank God for that. Congratulations to Team U.S.
  6. Gonzo

    world cup

    Lampard's goal not being given in 2010 in South Africa, when England played Germany, was the greatest injustice in football since England won the World Cup in 1966 thanks to a goal given against Germany, which never crossed the goal line. I totally agree with Sepp Blatter and most of FIFA being dead cunts since he took charge. There is still time to award the 2016 and 2022 World Cups to other countries. I guess FIFA corruption is is too far entrenchened in many other countries, organisations, companies and Governments, afraid most of what went on for such a long time could be made public.
  7. The visa run to Ban Pakkad Immigration last week was different from previous visa runs. There is a new Immigration building under construction on the Thai side and until that will be finished Thai Immigration consists of a small building on the right side before the border. Cambodian civilians are processing the paper work there as well. Behind the tables with the Cambodians filling in the forms and the new Arrival/Departure cards, there is a shop where they sell cigarettes, pills and beer. There is also a toilet where one can have a piss for 5 baht. After getting stamped out by Thai Immigra
  8. Hi monkeyman, After more than ten years on this board, I have only just started to read this thread. Good stuff.
  9. Good idea Jacko and I never gave it a thought before. . If I find an ATM stocked with only 500 baht bills again, I will do likewise. I feel at times embarrassed to walk into a 7/11 to buy a bottle of water with a 1K note just to get change. That also reminds me of the good old days when one could ST for a purple one.
  10. After going to bed last night at midnight, the TGF woke me an hour later. She asked me, if I could take her to a hospital in the morning, as she was in a lot of pain and vomiting. It took about five minutes before her request sunk in. She has always been healthy and as fit as a Mallee bull, never drank alcohol or smoked. I switched the lights on and took her temperature, which was 37.8, a bit on the high side. The pain was on the lower right side of her belly and when she wanted to vomit again, I had to get a bucket as she could hardly walk. She had a bad headache as well. Appendicitis sprung
  11. I was actually feeling quite content watching that silly video, sitting in the back of the room, as I knew it would be issued my renewed licenses after that. No need to go through the same idiotic procedure with Immigration and the licensing center until February 2021.
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