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I recently had to restore my Dell laptop to factory settings again. The trouble was Internet explorer was shutting down about every 2 minutes. I worked on it for awhile and gave up on fixing it and restored the laptop. After the restore and downloading the software & programs. I get a problem with installing my printer.

It's a Canon iP1600. It worked before the restore. Now when I plug in the USB and connect it to my laptop it finds the new hardware. But, during the installation I get the following.

Problem installing this hardware

An error occurred during the installation of this device.

The printer driver is unknown.


I tried different ways to install it. But it doesn't work on my Dell. I then tried to install it on my old Toshiba laptop and it installed instantly. Both laptops have Home Edition for windows and both have Internet explorer version 7. Any ideas to help me installing it on my dell laptop.

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Finally got it working. After uninstalling it and reinstalling it a couple times. I didn't install all the features included on the disk. Also when I installed it, I manually checked on which port the USB was connected to.

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Finally got it working. After uninstalling it and reinstalling it a couple times. I didn't install all the features included on the disk. Also when I installed it, I manually checked on which port the USB was connected to.


I thought you were using plug-and-pray, didn't realise you had a disk. I'd recommend updating the disk at the Canon website, though.


Is it possible you're pulling too much power on your USB slots and the computer isn't always finding them?


Anyhow, good that you got it working.

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