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a new pattaya forum called pattaya-live.com was just launched last night .


based on the invision software which is used on other popular pattaya forums the website will incorporate a few new features not used by any of the other forums .


everyone is invited to log on and visit our guest area before deciding to join our forum .


business owners in particular are invited to join and post information about thier business to our members.


the moderation will not be as strict as some of the other boards , so a sense of humour maybe a requirement for you to get the best out of this forum .


i hope to see all of you there.



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Except SOMEONE already took up names like krowdon, wombat, whitespider, dirty sanchez and so on, all of whom did NOT sign up at that forum. What's next? Start posting under other people's names so as to try and make them look bad?


Nice start... Nothing like being dishonest to get the ball rolling. Kudos! :D

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Except SOMEONE already took up names like krowdon, wombat, whitespider, dirty sanchez and so on, all of whom did NOT sign up at that forum. What's next? Start posting under other people's names so as to try and make them look bad?


Nice start... Nothing like being dishonest to get the ball rolling. Kudos! :D


You can do that on your own...No help reqd :D

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You can do that on your own...No help reqd :D

I was voted Number One Wanker; thank you very much... :D


So many fans, so little time... :D

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Except SOMEONE already took up names like krowdon, wombat, whitespider, dirty sanchez and so on, all of whom did NOT sign up at that forum. What's next? Start posting under other people's names so as to try and make them look bad?


Nice start... Nothing like being dishonest to get the ball rolling. Kudos! :D



Damn I was too slow to steal Gabor, fortunately no one took Ginseng yet. Or maybe no one gives a fuck, I guess I don't either. Not sure how many more Pattaya boards we really need.

Edited by ginseng
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I was voted Number One Wanker; thank you very much... :bigsmile:


So many fans, so little time... <grin


a well deserved award .


by the way if its not you thats signed up as krowdon then who did ?


come to think of it , i guess a internet handle is no ones sole property . right .


not to worry , just use one of your other names.

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Except SOMEONE already took up names like krowdon, wombat, whitespider, dirty sanchez and so on, all of whom did NOT sign up at that forum. What's next? Start posting under other people's names so as to try and make them look bad?


Nice start... Nothing like being dishonest to get the ball rolling. Kudos! :bigsmile:



damm, why didnt i think of this??? could have had great fun

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Read the thread on another major forum, now closed.

It's pretty clear that mulphy and kolobs already is cencoring rather heavily.

Even if mulphy and kolobs are not the best of friends, with a lot of wellknown mongers who dared criticeze them before, it's pretty stupid to try to exclued them by denying them access to their names.

They are high profile posters for fucks sake and witholding their names only makes you look like the bullies you propably are.


"the moderation will not be as strict as some of the other boards" :hijack:


Don't make me laugh, it reminds me of the early postings you made, threatening everyone who rubbed

you the wrong way.

You and kolobs must need some new business pretty bad being located off the beaten track so to speak.

And a web-camera?? how many "two-week millionares" want to be seen in one of them. :bigsmile:

Edited by Sweden
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Read the thread on another major forum, now closed.

It's pretty clear that mulphy and kolobs already is cencoring rather heavily.

Even if mulphy and kolobs are not the best of friends, with a lot of wellknown mongers who dared criticeze them before, it's pretty stupid to try to exclued them by denying them access to their names.

They are high profile posters for fucks sake and witholding their names only makes you look like the bullies you propably are.


"the moderation will not be as strict as some of the other boards" :gulp


Don't make me laugh, it reminds me of the early postings you made, threatening everyone who rubbed

you the wrong way.

You and kolobs must need some new business pretty bad being located off the beaten track so to speak.

And a web-camera?? how many "two-week millionares" want to be seen in one of them. :D



Glad to have woke you and encouraged you to make your 30th post...Congratulations! :D

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a well deserved award .


by the way if its not you thats signed up as krowdon then who did ?


come to think of it , i guess a internet handle is no ones sole property . right .


not to worry , just use one of your other names.


Unlike others who use various different names across the board so as to lurk and/or stir the shit, I never hid behind false identities, therefore I have no other names. Besides, I had no desire to join such in the first place. So thank you for your kind offer, but I've had cases of diarrhea that were more interesting.


It seems someone registered now on Thaigers under Krowdon as well, and made a post promoting Pattaya-Live. Care to explain that one? Oh, and in case you thought you'd get away with that, Thaigers already contacted me. Good try though; for a moron. :D What's next, genius? :gulp


The board is really making a shit name for itself, but I suppose that was to be expected when coming from the likes of yourself. It's truly sad that you couldn't open a forum and hope to flourish on your popularity and personality alone, instead of having to be ignorant and immature from the onset. But then, the majority are aware of you, and why you've been banned from two other major boards, so we're not surprised really.


Such antics will not only bring about discredit for yourself (as if your little club doesn't do that enough already. LOL), but will eventually make things difficult for all Pattaya-based forums as others get involved in teaching you a lesson. I do hope you're prepared for the consequences you're about to bring down upon yourself, and those around you are willing to go down with you. A test of true friendship, I suppose... :party


Fasten your seatbelts! :D

Edited by Krowdon
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Unlike others who use various different names across the board so as to lurk and/or stir the shit, I never hid behind false identities, therefore I have no other names. Besides, I had no desire to join such in the first place. So thank you for your kind offer, but I've had cases of diarrhea that were more interesting.


It seems someone registered now on Thaigers under Krowdon as well, and made a post promoting Pattaya-Live. Care to explain that one? Oh, and in case you thought you'd get away with that, Thaigers already contacted me. Good try though; for a moron. :D What's next, genius? :party


The board is really making a shit name for itself, but I suppose that was to be expected when coming from the likes of yourself. It's truly sad that you couldn't open a forum and hope to flourish on your popularity and personality alone, instead of having to be ignorant and immature from the onset. But then, the majority are aware of you, and why you've been banned from two other major boards, so we're not surprised really.


Such antics will not only bring about discredit for yourself (as if your little club doesn't do that enough already. LOL), but will eventually make things difficult for all Pattaya-based forums as others get involved in teaching you a lesson. I do hope you're prepared for the consequences you're about to bring down upon yourself, and those around you are willing to go down with you. A test of true friendship, I suppose... :D


Fasten your seatbelts! :D





On and on and on and on... :gulp

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On and on and on and on... :D


Good retort!


Sarcasm without denial. And you hoped to achieve what again?



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Denial of what you balloon? Your ramblings were directed at somebody else.


Can someone put a leash on the Secrets pet monkey? :party


Oh, I'm sorry... You have no authority here. Go back to Pattaya-Lies and post under someone else's handle you've taken. There you might have a say in things; that is if your Daddy lets you.


:D :D :gulp

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Oh, I'm sorry... You have no authority here. Go back to Pattaya-Lies and post under someone else's handle you've taken. There you might have a say in things; that is if your Daddy lets you.


:D :D :gulp




Go off and find 'one', just 'one' of these posts where someone elses handle has been taken..Go on, off you pop...


There's a good boy...fetch!

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Go off and find 'one', just 'one' of these posts where someone elses handle has been taken..Go on, off you pop...


There's a good boy...fetch!




There you go, junior. :D

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You see, there you go...You just go too show what a complete idiot you are...Read your own posts, think them through, then come back to me when you've got something to show...Until then, get back on your perch.


'Kin 'ell!...Someone should take care of this whinging woman.

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You see, there you go...You just go too show what a complete idiot you are...Read your own posts, think them through, then come back to me when you've got something to show...Until then, get back on your perch.


'Kin 'ell!...Someone should take care of this whinging woman.


Pretty sad at a tap-dance out of the fact that Pattaya-Live forum is using underhanded immature tactics to promote itself as well as purposefully trying to "stir the shit".


Now as you're personally involved in this "new forum", one would think you'd have enough honor and honesty to get to the bottom of it and put a stop to it, but as you haven't, it clearly identifies you as one of the conspirators who not only condones such actions, but more than likely participates as well.


Personally, I have no problem whatsoever in exposing two-faced dishonest pieces of dung, but as it's your reputation we're talking about here, one might think you'd make a stand on it and try and resolve the foolishness instead of poking fun at it. But, I guess that just goes to show you (and now others as well) what kind of character you have, and how much you can be trusted.



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Unlike others who use various different names across the board so as to lurk and/or stir the shit, I never hid behind false identities, therefore I have no other names. Besides, I had no desire to join such in the first place. So thank you for your kind offer, but I've had cases of diarrhea that were more interesting.


It seems someone registered now on Thaigers under Krowdon as well, and made a post promoting Pattaya-Live. Care to explain that one? Oh, and in case you thought you'd get away with that, Thaigers already contacted me. Good try though; for a moron. :D What's next, genius? :party


The board is really making a shit name for itself, but I suppose that was to be expected when coming from the likes of yourself. It's truly sad that you couldn't open a forum and hope to flourish on your popularity and personality alone, instead of having to be ignorant and immature from the onset. But then, the majority are aware of you, and why you've been banned from two other major boards, so we're not surprised really.


Such antics will not only bring about discredit for yourself (as if your little club doesn't do that enough already. LOL), but will eventually make things difficult for all Pattaya-based forums as others get involved in teaching you a lesson. I do hope you're prepared for the consequences you're about to bring down upon yourself, and those around you are willing to go down with you. A test of true friendship, I suppose... :D


Fasten your seatbelts! :D



just goes to show how silly you really are , and how little you really know.


first , get this clear , at no time did i ,or any other owner or admin register on our forum or any other as krowdon , dont you think we would rather you were on our forum as krowdon, so we would know it was you that was shit stirring instead of someone impersonating you ?


shit stirring , that is what you do right ?


you seem to know why i got banned from secrets, which i find unusual as i dont . after all , i never ever said anything bad about the place , just didnt agree it was the top place martini posted about and would have us all believe. having said that , its not a bad place , i even go in the place for one or two drinks on occassion .


unless of course thats enough to get someone banned from secrets ?


you would love to see pattaya-live fail , that goes without saying , but you need to ask yourself why ?


youve stated above you have no interest in it and had no intentions of joining, so why the posting about it ?


there are many pattaya based forums , which i think is great , good for the members , a decent selection and choice , why would you like to restrict the public from having a choice ?


pattaya-live has no beef with any other forum , secrets and addicts included , why would you try to create one?


we are not interested in board wars nor slagging off other boards , live and let live is our opinion on the matter , despite the actions of yourself and your friends.


your beloved secrets is a business , the forum is there biggest selling point and i say good luck to them,post until your little hearts are content .


i could if i wished still post or read on secrets and addicts under another name , but i choose not to , i dont need to as so many people cant wait to report back to me all thats been said . personally i think it highly amusing that anyone would continue to talk about me , long after i am no longer a member, was i that important ?


deleted threads and closed threads and the refusal to let the name mulphy and the rockhouse be posted is just very amusing on my side and very juvinile and childish on behalf of the people that have decided this is the action to take . however , so be it , up to them .


so secrets and addicts and every other board have no reason to worry about the creation of our board , we are not in a competition with them or any other board , we dont care if we are ranked number 1 or number 10 by the people that use pattaya forums , we dont care who has more members than any other.


we simply care that we have fun , give information , allow all businesses the chance to advertise on level terms and allow our members to enjoy the forum.


all other matters are irrelevant to us.


so please ,lets stop talking about this ,i have just said all that needs to be said.



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Pretty sad at a tap-dance out of the fact that Pattaya-Live forum is using underhanded immature tactics to promote itself as well as purposefully trying to "stir the shit".


Now as you're personally involved in this "new forum", one would think you'd have enough honor and honesty to get to the bottom of it and put a stop to it, but as you haven't, it clearly identifies you as one of the conspirators who not only condones such actions, but more than likely participates as well.


Personally, I have no problem whatsoever in exposing two-faced dishonest pieces of dung, but as it's your reputation we're talking about here, one might think you'd make a stand on it and try and resolve the foolishness instead of poking fun at it. But, I guess that just goes to show you (and now others as well) what kind of character you have, and how much you can be trusted.






What did I tell you? Now back on your perch you go, until you can come back and show me these posts made under the names registered of whom you speak, why would I or anyone else listen to your ramblings.


Nothing two faced, nothing dishonest, no poking fun...You bring up the subject on all the other forums to attempt to create some kind of issue...You're failing miserably Krowdon and just making yourself look the complete fool that you are.


Show me a single post Krowdon, just one!


Now go and get your panties and lipstick on, Secrets want some work doing :D

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What did I tell you? Now back on your perch you go, until you can come back and show me these posts made under the names registered of whom you speak, why would I or anyone else listen to your ramblings.


Nothing two faced, nothing dishonest, no poking fun...You bring up the subject on all the other forums to attempt to create some kind of issue...You're failing miserably Krowdon and just making yourself look the complete fool that you are.


Show me a single post Krowdon, just one!


Now go and get your panties and lipstick on, Secrets want some work doing :bigsmile:


You're pretty unintelligent. That much is obvious. There's no point in participating with you further on this. Those with some sense can understand, which obviously excludes you. :moon


just goes to show how silly you really are , and how little you really know.


first , get this clear , at no time did i ,or any other owner or admin register on our forum or any other as krowdon , dont you think we would rather you were on our forum as krowdon, so we would know it was you that was shit stirring instead of someone impersonating you ?


shit stirring , that is what you do right ?


you seem to know why i got banned from secrets, which i find unusual as i dont . after all , i never ever said anything bad about the place , just didnt agree it was the top place martini posted about and would have us all believe. having said that , its not a bad place , i even go in the place for one or two drinks on occassion .


unless of course thats enough to get someone banned from secrets ?


you would love to see pattaya-live fail , that goes without saying , but you need to ask yourself why ?


youve stated above you have no interest in it and had no intentions of joining, so why the posting about it ?


there are many pattaya based forums , which i think is great , good for the members , a decent selection and choice , why would you like to restrict the public from having a choice ?


pattaya-live has no beef with any other forum , secrets and addicts included , why would you try to create one?


we are not interested in board wars nor slagging off other boards , live and let live is our opinion on the matter , despite the actions of yourself and your friends.


your beloved secrets is a business , the forum is there biggest selling point and i say good luck to them,post until your little hearts are content .


i could if i wished still post or read on secrets and addicts under another name , but i choose not to , i dont need to as so many people cant wait to report back to me all thats been said . personally i think it highly amusing that anyone would continue to talk about me , long after i am no longer a member, was i that important ?


deleted threads and closed threads and the refusal to let the name mulphy and the rockhouse be posted is just very amusing on my side and very juvinile and childish on behalf of the people that have decided this is the action to take . however , so be it , up to them .


so secrets and addicts and every other board have no reason to worry about the creation of our board , we are not in a competition with them or any other board , we dont care if we are ranked number 1 or number 10 by the people that use pattaya forums , we dont care who has more members than any other.


we simply care that we have fun , give information , allow all businesses the chance to advertise on level terms and allow our members to enjoy the forum.


all other matters are irrelevant to us.


so please ,lets stop talking about this ,i have just said all that needs to be said.






I've posted nothing here but honesty. Despite your attempts to cover it otherwise, it's the truth. I'm sorry that's so disturbing.


You say this, yet you're aware someone did register as krowdon, and wombat, and mgc and quite a few others, and you've done nothing to correct that whatsoever. That fact alone speaks volumes. The who or why of it is irrelevant, but your inaction isn't.


Shit stirring might be what you define it as, but it's actually called speaking the truth. Now if that truth is inconvenient or unpleasant, again let me apologize. Life sucks sometimes, as does reality.


I'm not a mod/admin/owner or anything else of Secrets, so why you got banned has nothing to do with me, but rather your own actions. It'd be nice if we could always find someone else to blame for our own mistakes, but unfortunately you don't have that luxury.


Now why would seeing another forum fail benefit me? I support Secrets, Addicts, Here, and SEVERAL other forums of which I'm a member of. The impression some folks have that I'm out acting as a covert agent for one particular place is ludicrous. I will speak out against BS, however, no matter who is responsible.


You're the one who started this thread, and now you're asking why someone is posting in it? You're really not too bright before sunset, are you? Did you sleep off your drunk last night before you posted this?


Yes, I think other forums out there is great also. Too bad you're banned from a couple of the major ones, however, because you were abusive, rude, and eventually threatened people physically as well as their livelihood because you didn't get your way. I guess you could always open up your own forum afterwards, however, and feed that craving for attention that you wouldn't get otherwise. Oh, that's right; you did... --- As for people having a choice, I agree, they should. Wouldn't it be great if all the forums could get along and not have all the BS between them? But then, there's always people like you out there who make sure that's near impossible...


Where do you get the impression that I'm trying to create problems between Live and other forums? I didn't register under all those nics, nor did I ignore it and have a laugh when it was brought to my attention. I didn't send out dupes to other forums to have a go at anyone who spoke out against the dishonest and antics. I'm not the one who... well you get the point. YOU'RE the one creating problems, not me.


And I can post on other forums as well, with or without your approval, big guy. Thanks for the encouragement though. I needed that about as much as a hangnail.


Were you important? No... dangerous, yes. Anyone who threatens to call in the "paid help" to straighten someone out, or talks of how he's saved pages and pages of forums to turn over to the Thai authorities is a danger to every other board member. After having done that, of which you don't deny, you then go and open your OWN forum and then come on other forums to talk about how "live and let live" is your motto? What a stooge!!!


You brought that upon yourself, so yes, it is very juvenile. Going to send this response to the Thai Authorities also, silly man? Make sure you save it.


For not caring if Live succeeds or not, as you say, you sure go to great lengths to promote it. But then, it's not like anything you ever say makes sense or is honest anyway, so no surprise there...


Hey, you opened the thread. Remember how you used to preach all about "free speech" and you're such a big supporter of it? Well here you go; free speech. Remember, you have to take the good with the bad. In your case, any criticism or revelations of the truth is bad for you, but oh well, the ball doesn't always roll your way now does it?

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You're pretty unintelligent. That much is obvious. There's no point in participating with you further on this. Those with some sense can understand, which obviously excludes you. :moon

I've posted nothing here but honesty. Despite your attempts to cover it otherwise, it's the truth. I'm sorry that's so disturbing.


You say this, yet you're aware someone did register as krowdon, and wombat, and mgc and quite a few others, and you've done nothing to correct that whatsoever. That fact alone speaks volumes. The who or why of it is irrelevant, but your inaction isn't.


Shit stirring might be what you define it as, but it's actually called speaking the truth. Now if that truth is inconvenient or unpleasant, again let me apologize. Life sucks sometimes, as does reality.


I'm not a mod/admin/owner or anything else of Secrets, so why you got banned has nothing to do with me, but rather your own actions. It'd be nice if we could always find someone else to blame for our own mistakes, but unfortunately you don't have that luxury.


Now why would seeing another forum fail benefit me? I support Secrets, Addicts, Here, and SEVERAL other forums of which I'm a member of. The impression some folks have that I'm out acting as a covert agent for one particular place is ludicrous. I will speak out against BS, however, no matter who is responsible.


You're the one who started this thread, and now you're asking why someone is posting in it? You're really not too bright before sunset, are you? Did you sleep off your drunk last night before you posted this?


Yes, I think other forums out there is great also. Too bad you're banned from a couple of the major ones, however, because you were abusive, rude, and eventually threatened people physically as well as their livelihood because you didn't get your way. I guess you could always open up your own forum afterwards, however, and feed that craving for attention that you wouldn't get otherwise. Oh, that's right; you did... --- As for people having a choice, I agree, they should. Wouldn't it be great if all the forums could get along and not have all the BS between them? But then, there's always people like you out there who make sure that's near impossible...


Where do you get the impression that I'm trying to create problems between Live and other forums? I didn't register under all those nics, nor did I ignore it and have a laugh when it was brought to my attention. I didn't send out dupes to other forums to have a go at anyone who spoke out against the dishonest and antics. I'm not the one who... well you get the point. YOU'RE the one creating problems, not me.


And I can post on other forums as well, with or without your approval, big guy. Thanks for the encouragement though. I needed that about as much as a hangnail.


Were you important? No... dangerous, yes. Anyone who threatens to call in the "paid help" to straighten someone out, or talks of how he's saved pages and pages of forums to turn over to the Thai authorities is a danger to every other board member. After having done that, of which you don't deny, you then go and open your OWN forum and then come on other forums to talk about how "live and let live" is your motto? What a stooge!!!


You brought that upon yourself, so yes, it is very juvenile. Going to send this response to the Thai Authorities also, silly man? Make sure you save it.


For not caring if Live succeeds or not, as you say, you sure go to great lengths to promote it. But then, it's not like anything you ever say makes sense or is honest anyway, so no surprise there...


Hey, you opened the thread. Remember how you used to preach all about "free speech" and you're such a big supporter of it? Well here you go; free speech. Remember, you have to take the good with the bad. In your case, any criticism or revelations of the truth is bad for you, but oh well, the ball doesn't always roll your way now does it?



theres a huge difference between the truth and an element of truth and your not one to let a tiny element of truth come between the chance to stir shit .


i ll say it again , i did not register your name on any forum . other than the opening post on this thread and a copy and paste job on pattayapeople.co.uk , i have not attempted to promote our forum in any other way .

what other people do is up to them , i have no power over anyone so what great lengths have i gone to ?


you might be in the know on secrets and addicts but your certainly not in the know on pattaya-live , so you just make it up .


as said before and repeated now i dont and pattaya-live doesnot have any interest or problem with any other board , no matter what has gone on in the past and no matter how hard you try to stir it up .


your entitled to talk out of your arse as much as you like , it doesnt mean however anyone needs listen to you nor agree with you nor your ramblings.


even if anyone does agree with you it wont make no difference pattaya-live does not wish to engage in any rivalry with any other forum .no matter what you would like to see happen .


if pattaya-live is not for you dont join , dont log on and get over it .

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theres a huge difference between the truth and an element of truth and your not one to let a tiny element of truth come between the chance to stir shit .


i ll say it again , i did not register your name on any forum . other than the opening post on this thread and a copy and paste job on pattayapeople.co.uk , i have not attempted to promote our forum in any other way .

what other people do is up to them , i have no power over anyone so what great lengths have i gone to ?


you might be in the know on secrets and addicts but your certainly not in the know on pattaya-live , so you just make it up .


as said before and repeated now i dont and pattaya-live doesnot have any interest or problem with any other board , no matter what has gone on in the past and no matter how hard you try to stir it up .


your entitled to talk out of your arse as much as you like , it doesnt mean however anyone needs listen to you nor agree with you nor your ramblings.


even if anyone does agree with you it wont make no difference pattaya-live does not wish to engage in any rivalry with any other forum .no matter what you would like to see happen .


if pattaya-live is not for you dont join , dont log on and get over it .



So you didn't threaten anyone physically nor threaten that you had loads of information stored to submit to the Thai authorities? Is that your stand? Would you like me to send you a copy of the threatening letter? It's available online for anyone who'd like to read it.


This isn't about rivalries with other sites, Mulphy; it's about your lack of honesty and character. A house built on a bad foundation will fall, and as your the one building Live, the outcome is quite foreseeable. Neither I, nor anyone else, need go to any lengths to disrupt or destroy it, as you're doing that all by yourself; with each continued post you make here as well.


Some people just don't know when to cut their losses and proverbially "shut that ass", and you're a perfect example of that.


So run back to your little forum of lies, and post all you'd like there, where anyone who would speak the truth would be otherwise dismissed. You can feel safe and secure there, knowing all who surround you are your allies and ass-licking buddies, but don't expect the same elsewhere. Outside of your little temple, you're exposed, and everyone is aware of your duality/dishonesty and lack of honor. And here in the elsewhere, we're not silenced just because you said so either...

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