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Valentines Party at CATZ a gogo

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I can't improve on Stickman's write up so I'll borrow it......... :clap2


Catz A Gogo (Soi 16, Walking Street, Pattaya) is hosting Keith and Ja's Valentine's Day Party on, yes, you've guessed it, Thursday 14th February.


There'll be a good spread of food including a 30 kg pig roast, tandoori chicken, cottage / steak and kidney pies from Bob Palmers plus home made potato salad, coleslaw and garlic bread. There'll also be a variety of Thai food with some Isaan specialties if you choose to bring "her indoors".


Free shooters will be distributed amongst the guests at various points during the evening so there'll be no excuse for leaving sober! It promises to be a great party and the fun starts at 8 PM with the food served from around 8:30 so if you are in the area a visit is well recommended.


Additionally, for those who haven't been in for a week or two, we've got about 10-12 new girls that have started including one seriously stunning FF girl down from Ubon. We talked her into doing the air hostess show on her first night (Saturday) and - I kid you not - 4 different guys wanted to BF her immediately after the show. :bigsmile:


She's getting the hang of things quite quickly and rumour has it (I wasn't in the bar tonight) that she bought herself a razor and is now doing shows - except the lesbian show which I'm told she's still too shy about. If she's working for long I'll be more than a little surprised 'cos someone is going to snap her up sharpish. I'll get some photos on the party night for those not in town.


See you there if you can make it..........




Edited by Pieman
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