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There is this guy with a bald head and a wooden leg that gets invited to a fancy dress party, he is at a loss what do go has so he writes to a fancy dress company to ask for suggestions, a few days later he recieves a large parcel with a note. "thank you for your enquiry sir find enclosed a pirates outfit and a dummy parrot. you can cover your bald head with the bandana(sp) and your wooden leg will look natural".

The man is outraged that they have outlined his leg, so he writes off a angry letter to them.

a week later another package arrives with a note "we are sincerely sorry for causing you upset sir, find enclosed monks habit, it is long enough to cover your leg and your bald head will look natural"

this makes the man even more angry that they mentioned his head so he pens a furious letter to them again.

2 weeks later a very small package arrives with a note which simply said "thank you for your letter sir, enclosed is a jar of syrup, put it on your head stick your wooden leg up your arse and go as a toffee apple!"

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