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Shooter last won the day on October 7

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835 Excellent

About Shooter

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    Super Poster

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  • Country
    United States

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    Arizona, Maybe Pattaya again some day
  • Interests
    Golf, guitar, food and golf. Yeah, I know I said golf twice. LOL

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  1. All I did was answer a question. So I suggest you request whoever put the original photo up to move it. Cheers.
  2. Hillary Clinton and Kamala.
  3. No the existing cars will be grandfathered in. They won't suddenly declare them unusable. Even the crazies that run California won't go that far. But yes Newsom the governor of California made an executive mandate for that. Hmmm no democratic process or vote? 😜 BTW you raise an interesting issue with agriculture and long haul trucking. Maybe technology will improve to the point that they can replace diesel fuel for those applications by 2035. And maybe it will be as efficient and cost effective. But if not once again government will have caused economic damage forcing a change for
  4. it is being forced in some states. Well at least in California. By 2035 ALL cars and light trucks must be electric or other emission-free design. Of course they aren't forcing people to junk their 3 year old ICE cars but mandates aren't organic regardless of how long or grandfathered base. The actual result of mandates like this and others (can't recall where but they exist in the USA) is to actually turn some people away from electric cars that might otherwise have migrated to one for economy and better tech. The American psyche doesn't like being told what to do even if "it is good
  5. I have no issues with the migration to electric replacing ICE. I never go anywhere farther than 200 miles driving in a day and I am home every night with an enclosed garage I could install a charger unit in. So I am a perfect candidate for electric and my next vehicle stands a good chance of being electric. What I take issue with is the mandates forcing the issue on people. The charging network in the USA is still in it's infancy and some people tow heavy items and/or don't have access to an enclosed garage where they can charge their own vehicle at night. For them having an electric
  6. I remember standing at Soi Diana and 2nd Road at 7 PM waiting for a gap in traffic to cross 2nd. Of course there IS a pedestrian crosswalk there but..... Some tourist from some nation where crosswalks are strictly adhered to is trying to get his wife to walk across with him as if traffic will stop magically when he strides out. She is terrified and looks at me and I just shake my head and say "wait". She would not go and he was very angry but they lived. 😇
  7. That one way stuff sounds like a good idea. Of course it doesn't apply to motorbikes or Thais in a hurry right? 🤣
  8. On the original topic I noticed business class flights from LAX to BKK have dropped a bit. Mind you I'm looking at late January with March return no idea if any other dates are good. Assuming one doesn't choose Air Turkey or Phillipines real airlines on lie flat all aisle access like japan Air or American are about $4500 RT.
  9. As a yank growing up with nice wide roads I'd say that about all the roads in Thailand. 😅
  10. Yet if you happen to be walking past a bar following a young fit good looking guy they seem to still take notice and get all wet and eager. When I walk by alone it's disinterest or hello papa. 🙁
  11. Look we all know if you are on a mobility scooter in Pattaya you are already fucked. 😅 I am just recovering from a new hip and have gone through 2 new knees over the years. I'm not even close to needing a mobility scooter but Pattaya can be daunting getting around even for me.
  12. Curious why it is called Soi Casino. I've been visiting since 1999 and first I heard this. I always hated that soi. Seemed like every time I walked it at least one dog got territorial. Never attacked but had to keep my eyes open and had to reach down as if picking up a rock a few times.
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