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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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As soon as I seel the house, I plan to move to LOS. Right now I have my money in wa mu. If I want to

transfer money my son has to sign a form each month, to send me money.Is there a bank in US where

I can do this either online or by phone?





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Are you sure about all that?


My Wamu account supposedly has free ATM use. Can you just use the ATMs? Or, if you get money every month or just have a big balance, can't you set up some sort of recurring transfer?



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Citibank rips you off with their ATM fees but you can make a wire transfer on-line anytime. It costs a flat $30 regardless of the amount and the money has always been in my Siam Commercial account the very next day.

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