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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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This is the type of humour women think is funny about us men . Sometimes it may be close to the bone tho.










He said . .. I don't know why you wear a bra;

you've got nothing to put in it.

She said .. . You wear pants don't you?




He said .. . .Shall we try swapping positions tonight?

She said . . That's a good idea - you stand by the

ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.....





He said . . .. What have you been doing with all the

grocery money I gave you?

She said . Turn sideways and look in the mirror!




Q. How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the

world does it take to do the dishes?

A. Both of them.




Q. How does a man show that he is planning for the future?

A. He buys two cases of beer.



Q. What is the difference between men and

government bonds?

A. The bonds mature.



Q How many men does it take to change a roll of

toilet paper?

A. We don't know; it has never happened.



Q. What do you call a woman who knows where her

husband is every night?

A.. A widow.



Q. Why are married women heavier than single women?

A.Single women come home, see what's in the fridge

and go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in

bed and go to the fridge.




Q. What is the one thing that all men at singles bars have

in common?

A. They're married.




Man says to God: 'God, why did you make woman so beautiful?'

God says: 'So you would love her.'

But God,' the man says , 'why did you make her so dumb?'

God says: 'So she would love you.'















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