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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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I changed my email address on this forum, then needed to click on a validation email link, but I made a typo in the address and never got the email. I tried to change the email address to correct one but it says I need to validate first !


I am stuck in a cycle and cannot access the member's section. I made another account (this one) to be able to access the public forums at least.


Any Ideas ?



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My idea is you're on the board and posting with a valid account so what's the real problem? That's my idea.

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Got your email and the problem will be resolved shortly.


One more thing. I put in the email address you sent me. Now try to revalidate again.

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thanks MM, my email address is bongojona@... (you put bongojons) :)


Looks like typos are infectious




I used cut and paste to put in what you sent me!


Anyway, try it now.

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My idea is you're on the board and posting with a valid account so what's the real problem? That's my idea.



I guess because he is only "registered" at this time so he can only access the open to everyone area



How about Pming the moderator...


I guess as he is only "registered" he cannot use the board PM system

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  • 4 weeks later...
My idea is you're on the board and posting with a valid account so what's the real problem? That's my idea.


He said "members section." I was able to post here (in the open to everyone forum) just by signing up with a Yahoo addy. The members section requires a VALID NON HOTMAIL, YAHOO, GMAIL addy. ex....


joe@joekicker.net would be a valid email address.

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The members section requires a VALID NON HOTMAIL, YAHOO, GMAIL addy. ex....


That was a rule that was dropped a couple of years ago. Any email address is fine.

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