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8 things girls should say to a guy:-

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8 things girls should say to a guy:-


1. I'm bored, let's shave my pussy.


2. Are you sure you've had enough to drink?


3. That fart was great. Do another.


4. Of course I swallow. I love it.


5. No, that's o.k. You drink beer and watch porn. I'll do the washing up.


6. Just for a change put it in my arse.


7. How about you get that girl from work to join us?


8. Marriage? No way.


Sadly, Carlsberg don't do girlfriends. But Thailand does.





:bigsmile: <huh :bigsmile:

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Are you joking, this is a joke right? :wtf


Do you really mean that the ladies in your life never say that to you, you poor man, what do you do wrong?


:drunk :clap1 :thumbup :clap1 :drunk






Well he put it in the funnies forum....


It might have been more amusing if OP specified 'wife' rather than GF. #8 excluded of course.


Like the 'what have a BJ and lobster got in common?' line...

Edited by jacko
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