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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

What is the least you've paid?

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Another thread got me to thinking about it.


What is the least you've paid for sex? Freebies from BG's doesn't count.


Mine was $3.36 and a half pack of cigs. plus gas.


I was driving home in a blizzard one night and I see a shadow of this girl appear out of the white out. I had no money on me and wasn't even thinking about sex. I stopped in compassion to get her out of the weather and it didn't take long for her to stop shivering from the cold and proposition me.


She wanted a ride home (2k) out of my way and I wanted a BJ. After all the haggling, stopping the car pretending I was going to kick her out and everything I dug through the armrest compartment in my car and found $3.36.


You can imagine how happy I was. The cigs went from 4 singles to half a pack but I had a carton in the back anyway. All in all with a couple bluffer stops I figured including gas and cigs.


$4.50 total for BBBJCIM

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Sorry, doesn't count. :thumbup

According to ex president Clinton, a bj is not having sex :clap1 :clap1 :clap1




Got me there..............


But then again, who the F*** is he to decide for the world what is sex and what isn't?

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I was driving home in a blizzard one night and I see a shadow of this girl appear out of the white out. I had no money on me and wasn't even thinking about sex. I stopped in compassion to get her out of the weather and it didn't take long for her to stop shivering from the cold and proposition me.


She wanted a ride home (2k) out of my way and I wanted a BJ. After all the haggling, stopping the car pretending I was going to kick her out and everything I dug through the armrest compartment in my car and found $3.36.


What a great way to show compassion...

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$0.00 ....... and several times over about 4 years. She was a former Palladium massage lady who was being "kept" by a farang. She liked me better.


Little Roy 2guns

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  • 3 weeks later...

A mate claims a bar of soap in Zambia, that was a long time ago so it might be a bottle of shampoo now.

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Got me there..............


But then again, who the F*** is he to decide for the world what is sex and what isn't?

He was the most powerful man in the world,IIRC.

And since he stated the above re:BBBJ,I have made it a point to tell most women that are the lease bit concerned (mainly falang women) that a BJ is NOT sex.I fugure if I fool 1 or 2 of them,I'm still ahead for the game. :D

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He was the most powerful man in the world,IIRC.

And since he stated the above re:BBBJ,I have made it a point to tell most women that are the lease bit concerned (mainly falang women) that a BJ is NOT sex.I fugure if I fool 1 or 2 of them,I'm still ahead for the game. :clueless

Well he certainly didn't look it about that time did he?


Perhaps the biggest liar and hypocrite in the world.


The most foolish looking person in the world.


He managed to turn the American presidency into an international laughing stock.


Not sure if that particlar gem of his, wag finger in face of millions, would have much standing in law,

Edited by jacko
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing Zilch even gave a TG 500 in the morning for the night, the morning after and she gave it back to me, ( the best night of my life) a long time ago thow

1989 in Ko samet it was the same in BKK and Patts But then again I was young and Handsom LOL

then again things havn't changed that much

I was last in LOS Feb 08 and no shortage of cute TGs in the beer bars looking for long time 1000

next time I will collect phone numbers


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