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Club Misty's Vip Card Launch

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Treat every customer like a VIP and just drop prices!

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What did I say paul just before I left people will still moan.

The drinks may be dearer in mistys even with the discount but the main difrence to me i have a good time in mistys and so do the girls not the case in catz i'm afraid

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  MONKEY01 said:
What did I say paul just before I left people will still moan.

The drinks may be dearer in mistys even with the discount but the main difrence to me i have a good time in mistys and so do the girls not the case in catz i'm afraid

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The fact that you had a good time is irelevant :dirtylook: Mistys is a business and every legit business needs to make money. They are not going to achieve that with just you and the likes of LDK (Wannabe Big Shot) giving it the Large One :banghead The place needs to be busy. Word of mouth is what gets Customers in. Sensible prices is what gets drinkers in. Blah blah blah


I went into Mistys twice on my last trip to Patts (@ 60 days) and the place was virtually empty on both occasions. I didn't even sit down for a beer it was that empty! Just did a 180 and went to the next agogo.


This was High Season.


I suggest you forget all this VIP Bullshit and just lower your prices across the board like Catz has done.


I hope Catz does well from their promotion. I have slagged Catz off in the past but fair dues to them, 'they' have put out something that would make me walk the extra 100 yards down Walking Street to spend my money :beer

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  papillon said:
I hope Catz does well from their promotion. I have slagged Catz off in the past but fair dues to them, 'they' have put out something that would make me walk the extra 100 yards down Walking Street to spend my money :wanker
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Doesn't get them very far in your case, as the 300 baht you are likely to wring from your dole cheque on any given night won't make much difference to their bottom line one way or another. :clap2


As I've said before, the guys with money like Misty's, the guys whose options are SHARPLY REDUCED by their lack of folding stuff continue to whine and moan. :clap1


No hard feelings though Paps, if I see you at Catz I'll buy you a bottle of refreshing Asahi. :bow Robin and Robert are indeed top blokes, as I think we all agree, Catz is my second favoritest gaff next to my home turf, Misty's.

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  papillon said:
The place needs to be busy...


I went into Mistys twice on my last trip to Patts and the place was virtually empty on both occasions. I didn't even sit down for a beer it was that empty! Just did a 180 and went to the next agogo.


This was High Season.

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  PSP said:
Hi Guys


Here are some photos of the "New Misty's!"


So what do you think ... :D







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Paps, I also found the place to be almost completely deserted on my last 2 visits (around 11pm and 1am) a few weeks ago. PSP and LDK keep saying that the place is constantly busy...I was beginning to think I was imagining things.


Appears nothing much seems to have changed since these photos were taken a year or so ago, in terms of visitors...or maybe I went to the wrong place and they are still re-building it <grin

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  Arno said:
Paps, I also found the place to be almost completely deserted on my last 2 visits (around 11pm and 1am) a few weeks ago. PSP and LDK keep saying that the place is constantly busy...I was beginning to think I was imagining things.


Appears nothing much seems to have changed since these photos were taken a year or so ago, in terms of visitors...or maybe I went to the wrong place and they are still re-building it :D

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Arno, Misty's is not in the Netherlands.


Have you in fact set foot in this country?

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  LadyDrinkKing said:
Arno, Misty's is not in the Netherlands.
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You may want to take this opportunity to remind everyone where this bar is....lots of people appear to have forgotten...

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  Arno said:
You may want to take this opportunity to remind everyone where this bar is....lots of people appear to have forgotten...
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Wouldn't help if I did mate, as it's nowhere near your local benefits office. :D

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  LadyDrinkKing said:
Wouldn't help if I did mate, as it's nowhere near your local benefits office. :D
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Judging by the large number of empty seats that were there on my visits to Mistys, the management may need to get acquainted with where their local one is fairly soon... <grin

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  Arno said:
Judging by the large number of empty seats that were there on my visits to Mistys, the management may need to get acquainted with where their local one is fairly soon... :D
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I'm not convinced you've ever set foot in Misty's, or on Thai soil for that matter.


Judged by the utter absence of constructive or useful information in your posts.

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Paps and Arno, everyone has their favorites, but on my recent trip to Patts, Mistys was my pick of the Gogos.


Was the place "heavin" every night? Not quite but most nights had a good crowd when I was in there and our group had a blast.


Best looking birds? Probably not, but there was something for everyone and I certainly enjoyed the interaction. :lovee :party


Barfined a range of burds: Torpedeo Tits, Beer Goggle Betty :gulp :D , "I Go Suckhon" and best of all "Uncle Arfur" on the last night. :D


I'm not into the shows much but if that floats your boat, sit yourself near the main stage and enjoy the ride.


The "views" from the surrounding tables aren't bad either. :unsure: :clap1


The second floor is a bit obsolete but it does come in handy when your previous barfine wants to help you find the toilet. :D


Paul, thanks for a good time mate. But you may want to put an emergency bog on the ground floor or install an escalator for those magotted golf tour operators doing the sloshed shuffle.


:drunk :party

Edited by Dungheap
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  LadyDrinkKing said:
I'm not convinced you've ever set foot in Misty's, or on Thai soil for that matter.


Judged by the utter absence of constructive or useful information in your posts.

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Then you missed his 'top 10 GO-GOs for Stunners' post, which seemed to show some depth of experience. He has also posted a bit of a review on Hell Club. Have you read outside of a Mistys thread?
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OK Guys.


Sorry for the absence of any response from me for the last couple of Days but I have had problems accessing Pattaya Talk.


Nice to see that the "debate" has continued despite my absence. :D


I don't intend to respond to individual Posts as it would take too long, given this Forum's Flood Control Setting.


To those that have supported Misty's both in person and in this Thread, Many Thanks for your continued support.


To those that appear to have some kind of agenda against me and/or the bar or simply have nothing better to do than attempt to ridcule, I don't intend to loose sleep over it.


The fact of the matter is that, in common with many other Bar Owners and Managers, I use this and other Forums to promote Misty's.


The overwhelming majority of feedback is positive. Occasionally, where the feedback has been negative, it has allowed us to improve things and/or introduce new ideas.


So, carry on debating until you Hearts are content and I promise to try and not let it affect my finer feelings! :clap1







Edited by PSP
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Paul, I don't think anyone has got an 'agenda' against the bar.


It's just that you get all these regular promotions and self-hyping every couple of months or so...as a result people rush over there as soon as they are back in Pattaya for their hols.


But when they do go in, every one seems to be making exactly the same observation almost without exception ...that the place is pretty much next to deserted whenever they happen to visit.


I am not saying that this is a bad thing...not every one enjoys going to busy bars. :D

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  Arno said:
Paul, I don't think anyone has got an 'agenda' against the bar.


It's just that you get all these regular promotions and self-hyping every couple of months or so...as a result people rush over there as soon as they are back in Pattaya for their hols.


But when they do go in, every one seems to be making exactly the same observation almost without exception ...that the place is pretty much next to deserted whenever they happen to visit.


I am not saying that this is a bad thing...not every one enjoys going to busy bars. :D

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Misty's is a large bar and it takes a lot of Customers for it to "look busy" as opposed to smaller bars with the same number of Customers. Of that, there can be no denial.


If one prefers to be jammed into a bar where it is difficult to find comfortable seating and where you are getting nudged and proded by fellow Customers every 5 Minutes then sobeit but I know which I prefer.







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  PSP said:
To those that appear to have some kind of agenda against me and/or the bar or simply have nothing better to do than attempt to ridcule, I don't intend to loose sleep over it.
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Why you think anyone has an "agenda" against you or the bar is stretching things a bit.


All I want to know is what a bottle of Singha costs. Is that really so difficult a question? :D

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  CheshireTom said:
Why you think anyone has an "agenda" against you or the bar is stretching things a bit.


All I want to know is what a bottle of Singha costs. Is that really so difficult a question? :clap1

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Not difficult at all.


Stop by and find out! :D







Edited by PSP
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  PSP said:
Misty's is a large bar and it takes a lot of Customers for it to "look busy" as opposed to smaller bars with the same number of Customers. Of that, there can be no denial.
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Very good Paul.


Given that there were never more than about 2 other customers on my visits can I ask if you could reserve seat rows 3 and 4 for my next visit? :D

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  Arno said:
Very good Paul.


Given that there were never more than about 2 other customers on my visits can I ask if you could reserve seat rows 3 and 4 for my next visit? :clap1

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Very Sorry.


Seat Reservations can only be made by VIP Card Holders! :D







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  CheshireTom said:
Why you think anyone has an "agenda" against you or the bar ...
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Don't know Tom, but it seems that several people have somehow 'agreed' amongst themselves to provide very similar comments about their experiences at Misty's - e.g. to keep telling everyone that the place is always empty. Peterterb on his recent trip report is another culprit for example...


  Peterterb said:
…Misty’s was rather quiet, not too many customers, not too many dancers, and the air conditioner was so cold that the girls were freezing. And the mamasan in there is a slave driver, barking out orders at the girls so they were constantly jumping from one dance platform to the next. Even when I bought ladydrinks for the girls, the mamasan wouldn’t let them stay with me….the cold air and the ruthlessly efficient mamasan made the experience less than great.
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Paul, thanks for a good time mate. But you may want to put an emergency bog on the ground floor or install an escalator for those magotted golf tour operators doing the sloshed shuffle
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Fine idea Dunghie but might be a high budget solution. The escalator - not the ground floor bog! I wonder if the preference for the ground floor bog is evidence of Mourn withdrawal symptoms? Rumour has it that you made it back to Narita with a few inches of bark remaining on your tree!


I was brave enough to return to Misty's after Dunghie's departure to collect my VIP card. Big dissapointment to find out that PSP was offering the card to any drunken Scot that could negotiate the run from Secrets to Mistys without doing a banana side trip into Baby Dolls!


Enjoyed the 10% Paul - great idea to keep the riff raff and ballon chasers away! And a real inspiration not to include the bottles of spirits and free mixers in the package! I avoided the temptation to climb to the top shelf!

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