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Renting an apartment or house for a year that accepts dogs

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Greetings all! This is my first thread on this board. I just finished my 3rd trip and have the post-pattaya blues big time :beer Anyway here is my question. In my job I have the option of taking a year off while still receiving 60% of my salary, which would be about $40k. my union's contract is up and i'm worried that this option will be on the chopping block come bargaining time. I really want to apply for the leave, but would have to bring my 10 year old german shepherd with me, because no one else can watch her for that long. I can't imagine losing this opportunity if my union bargains it away! I've seen farang with dogs before, so i'm guessing it must be possible to find a house or apartment that would accept us. i've already looked into the quarantine issue, and it's no biggie on the way there. Can anyone give me advice on this?

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From what I read it only costs a few hundred $$$, is that not accurate? also i'd need to keep rent under 10K baht a month if possible, so i'm guessing i would have to rent an apt. at that price.


  Obsession said:
I know a guy with 2 dogs who doesnt have a problem renting houses. But it would cost you a lot to bring a dog from the west.
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Edited by eviltwin
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you want to live in an apartment with a German shepherd, besides the fact no one will rent you one where the fuck is the animal supposed to piss and shit, in your laundry basket ???



Small two bed houses can be had in East Pattaya for 10k a month, if your prepard to live on the darkside that is.

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As so earthily put by Fondles, you might not want to live in a condo or apartment with your dog. However, you may already be doing that back home, so it's up to you, your schedule and the dog's training.


The main problem is many apartment, condo and even home renters are not thrilled about dogs, so you'd definitely need to make that part of your interview/search options.


I'm also moving this to the accommodations section.

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Hey Fondles, some of us have to walk our dogs several times a day and play with them to keep them happy and fit. My dog hasn't had a yard since she was 2, but she gets 4 walks a day and at least an hour a day of playing. My job lends itself to this schedule. If i want her to shit in a laundry basket I'll use yours :) I will keep in mind East Pattaya, but the label of "the dark side" makes me a bit apprehensive. Then again, i've lived in some pretty shitty parts of SF right around the projects....


  Fondles said:
you want to live in an apartment with a German shepherd, besides the fact no one will rent you one where the fuck is the animal supposed to piss and shit, in your laundry basket ???



Small two bed houses can be had in East Pattaya for 10k a month, if your prepard to live on the darkside that is.

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  eviltwin said:
Hey Fondles, some of us have to walk our dogs several times a day and play with them to keep them happy and fit. My dog hasn't had a yard since she was 2, but she gets 4 walks a day and at least an hour a day of playing. My job lends itself to this schedule. If i want her to shit in a laundry basket I'll use yours :) I will keep in mind East Pattaya, but the label of "the dark side" makes me a bit apprehensive. Then again, i've lived in some pretty shitty parts of SF right around the projects....
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Its not called the "dark side" because it is dangerous. It isn't. It is just mostly residental and you will have to drive to get around. The police set up DUI checkpoints out there also.

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she has me well trained. if i open my eyes and she's right in my face panting, i fly out the door and she follows. after 10 years, we have a system for everything we both understand almost instinctively. it's when i'm not home that things can get ugly, but this only happens maybe once every 2 years.


And Eldon, my dog helps get me laid here, but i'm not sure that would work over there.... as for barfines, i've trained her well, and she only goes for the hot ones. shoves her nose right in their crotch every time. i just reply, "she learned that from me" :) and they're all mine!



  Fondles said:
my dog also takes a dump in the middle of the night, yours doesnt ??
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  eviltwin said:
but the label of "the dark side" makes me a bit apprehensive. Then again, i've lived in some pretty shitty parts of SF right around the projects....
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I think it gets that name because it hasnt got the "bright lights" of the tourist part.

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  Obsession said:
I think it gets that name because it hasnt got the "bright lights" of the tourist part.
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But there are certainly plenty of dogs over there. In fact that is why I moved away.

Generally they are of the little yappy baby substitute variety........

But I once had a German Shepherd opposite, I would have gladly shot it dead many times had I a gun!

I feel sorry for the farang vatiety of dogs as they seem to get a lot of problems with the climate.

Anyhow, I know a house available for rent on the darkside and will PM you a telephone number if you want it, I would be chuffed to death to have someone with an alsation move next to the dopey cow with the little noisy shit-soo!

Edited by jacko
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  jacko said:
But there are certainly plenty of dogs over there. In fact that is why I moved away.

Generally they are of the little yappy baby substitute variety........

But I once had a German Shepherd opposite, I would have gladly shot it dead many times had I a gun!

I feel sorry for the farang vatiety of dogs as they seem to get a lot of problems with the climate.

Anyhow, I know a house available for rent on the darkside and will PM you a telephone number if you want it, I would be chuffed to death to have someone with an alsation move next to the dopey cow with the little noisy shit-soo!

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They certainly aint as lively as UK dogs. They act like UK cats. Sleeping under cars. I hear they are a big hazard to motorbikes at night.

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  jacko said:
But there are certainly plenty of dogs over there. In fact that is why I moved away.

Generally they are of the little yappy baby substitute variety........

But I once had a German Shepherd opposite, I would have gladly shot it dead many times had I a gun!

I feel sorry for the farang vatiety of dogs as they seem to get a lot of problems with the climate.

Anyhow, I know a house available for rent on the darkside and will PM you a telephone number if you want it, I would be chuffed to death to have someone with an alsation move next to the dopey cow with the little noisy shit-soo!

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Thanks Jacko, i'm not actually at that point yet. I won't have any idea whether or not this is gonna happen until the spring. I just would like to know the feasibility, obstacles, and anyone else's experience. It could be my last chance to spend a whole year there before i retire (20 years from now) and obviously bringing the dog is not my ideal scenario. Old bitch is lucky i love her. she'd make short work of the Shit-soo, she takes craps bigger than those dogs.


How far is this area people are talking about from the action? and how much do these houses generally rent for? I think someone said about 10,000 baht....


Thanks, and no hard feeling from the other thread :P

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  eviltwin said:
How far is this area people are talking about from the action? and how much do these houses generally rent for? I think someone said about 10,000 baht....
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It isn't far, about 2-4 km depending how far down you go. Getting to and from the real action (central Pattaya) can be a bit of a chore. Traffic is heavy most of the time. Rent, as you say, for a little 2 bedroom bungalow can be from 10000 up pcm. I was paying 15k for a nicely and fully furnished place.
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Are you sure you want to take a 10 year old dog to thailand ? I have a German shepherd and he suffers in the heat in England. maybe if your dog was 4 or 5 years old it would not be such a problem, but i think most GS dog only live about 12 years, the last thing you would want is for your dog to be suffering or sick while you holiday.


its a difficult decission, my dog is only 18 months, and i hope to do the same as you in 4 or 5 years time, I hope i can get someone to look after him for the year, but if I cant i would be curiuos to know how things work out.



good luck, PondIMG_0080a.JPG

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Hey Pond. that is my dilemma. she'll be 11 by the time we leave. she hates SF when it hits 75 degrees F. She loves to swim though, and doesn't need a whole hell of a lot of exercise at her age. Even if i could find someone to watch her, which I actually had an offer here, do i want to leave her knowing she might not make it until I get back? Or do I take her knowing that she might not make it back? It's a tough one, and maybe it's me projecting feelings she's not capable of, but i don't want her dying wondering where her daddy is. If she's gonna go, part of me thinks it should be with me.

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You dont have to go over to the DS to get a reasonable house rental. I lived for a couple of years just off soi arunothai, I rented a lovely furnished two bedroom house for 12k a month but there were many there for 10k just six months ago when I left. Have a look at a map for the location,

You go down pattaya central road, over third road until you get to the next traffic lights, Carrefour is on the left. Turn right at the lights and you are in soi arunothai. this is a long, winding street and it has many side streets with houses for rent. Its only 10 mins walk to carrefour and the baht buses so pretty handy and you dont have to cross sukhumvit road. Have a look at the notice board on ground floor carrefour for vacancies.

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