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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Passport request

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There were many to quick to jump on people for making statements about the Indian (presumably) guys in one of the recent party picture threads. How is this any different than a guy assuming the Indians only ordered 1 drink, 4 straws, and sipped on it for 4 hours and 37 minutes?


All one in the same. Racial profiling. :lol:



I will jump in on this one. I did not read the statement that you are referring to. I have no idea what was said. However I was in FLB that night. The place was full with no seats available when I walked in. Frosty offered to let us sit at his table. It was one of those on the back wall. So we had Frosty, his girlfriend, a computer, me and my girlfriend all on a sliver of a table. Then I bought some lady drinks, so there were four more drinks all on this little table with a running lap top on it. No place for the ladies to sit, just stand. Frosty was taking pictures 1/2 the time and every time he came back to the table for a drink, everyone had to move to let him get to his seat. Uncomfortable to say the least. A group of people got up and left my favorite table open, I grabbed my drink, check bin, and girlfriend and started off for that table. The three guys in question walked in and right to the table before I could get there.


My first thought was, great, these guys get the best seat in the house and are going to order one drink. To my surprise, they ordered three beers. I'll be damned if three ladies didn't run up and jump on their laps, kissing and hugging them. I would guess it was 20 minutes to half an hour before they bought the ladies a drink. I'll admit, I was a little jealous at this point. I was in the mood for two ladies that night, and these guys got immediate service, and I was buying drinks for ladies that I knew for sure were not going with me, nor was I getting anything like that much attention. But that aside. The ladies finished their drinks first, the guys were still nursing theirs. They did not buy the ladies another drink. Then their empty bottles were picked up,and they didn't order another drink.


When I noticed the drink free table I told my GF, watch that table, they finish, when they go , we take table. The ladies were back and forth kissing them, and sitting on their lap. After more than an hour of them sitting at an empty table I went to Moulie. I asked "what do I have to do, quit buying drinks to get a table and ladies?" She told me that the guys were bar fining the ladies and the ladies were changing clothes, and they would be gone soon. Yes, they actually bar fined three ladies, not one. 30 minutes later another table open up and I got a decent table. The guys and girls still hadn't moved, they sat at a drink less table. They barely made it past the stereo type. They bought 3 drinks, three lady drinks, and three bar fines and sat there for hours. The three of them together had a check bin that was less than half of mine, and that's including their bar fines. Yes I'm jealous that they got the best seat in the house, that they got better service than me, and that that they got to walk out with a lady each. But, raciest or not, if the stereo type fits, wear it. Every stereo type has some basis of truth. Not to say that everyone fits, but enough that it's noticed.


You seem outraged that MM wasn't comfortable with someone with an Arabic sounding name, someone who may be on a watch list, or a do not fly list, having info on forged passports. Would you have been just as outraged if he had asked if there were any pilots or engineers on the forum that could give information on where the best place to place a bomb on a 747 for the most damage? Some things are just a no brainer. Maybe you should thank MM for not helping someone with a forged passport sit next to you on your next flight.

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