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Glitterman Speaks About 'Bollywood, here i come'.

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The exceptionally Almighty and very Powerful Great Glitterman is back again. With something brand new on the end of this Wizard sleeve, just for you.


Since my last article on 'media', i have had lots of very wonderful acting roles and guest appearances come flooding in, [told you i am the biggest star in Pattaya, and dont you forget it too]. So its World domination for me, no more VERY big fish in a TINY pond. Here is my very busy schedule for my next month;


First i am off to L.A. in 2 weeks to do a movie for director Quentin Tarantino, about a colourful hitman. The name of movie is i believe; 'Glitterman the Hitterman'.


Then i go back to England to do a food programe all about Apricots called; 'Big Glitter the Big Shitter'. And also a lager commercial; 'Bitter Glitter'.


Then i fly back to L.A. to do a soft porn comedy called; 'Glitters Titters'.


Then over to Moscow for a fashion programe about sewing called; 'Glitterman the big Nitterman'. And an achne spot advert; 'Glitters Zitters'.


Then over to Australia for a fitness show; 'Fitter man Glitterman'.


Back to London for a 'Keep Brittan tidy' campaign; 'Glitterman the Litterman'. And also a documentary for the employment service; 'Glitter the Quitter'.


And then finally back to Pattaya for a lecture on 'rentable birds' titled; 'Glitterman the Twittering man'. And a talk about Forums called; 'Glitterman the Bullshitterman'.



I am very excited about all of this and cant wait to get started....But i dont know.....call it intuition, but i have got a funny feeling that some of these offers may well be phoney and do not actually excist. If so i will not find it at all amusing, and heads WILL roll.


I bet you all looked at the name on my 'profile' section again, just to make sure that it really was the Glitterman who posted this rubbish....uuummm....excellant article, you know its the genuine Glitterman coz me spellings crap!!!!!!


The Royal Gliiterman Hath Spoken.

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I'm starting to get into this.


Good luck with Glitters Titters.


Maybe if he gets involved with some scat .....Glitter shitter :D

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