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While reading this week's Asia Bugle, I found the URL for a Pub/Restaurant in Bangkok that I just check out on our next trip to Thailand.  It is the Witch Tavern on Soi Thonglor (ref. Soi 55) Sukhumvit, Bangkok.




Be sure to have a look at their food and drink menu's.


As most of you know, I don't drink so the bulk of my time is spent finding new restaurants that I can try.  Seeings as how, Lat and I spend little time in Bangkok, we really do not know of the favorite eateries in the Big Mango.


We DO plan to spend a little more time in Bangkok during our next vacation to LOS so would like to know if any of you have tried the Witch Tavern and your comments and if you have the time/inclination, please tell us your favorite Thai food and Expat food places in Bangkok.


Ken and Rattana Bower

San Antonio Texas USA

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