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Can I use the email account I use at home in Pattaya?


I have an account with an ISP called UKF and have the user name, password and POP3 servers.


Can I just create an account on a machine in an Internet place and use this as usual?


Any advice appreciated.

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Yes, you can read your mail from an Internet Cafe.

Just create an account in Outlook Express.

In advanced options select "keep mail on server".

Don't forget to delete your account before you leave.


Easier is to use webmail if your ISP offers that. Almost any ISP does.


Try http://webmail.giacom.com

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Yes, you can, but ......

In case your ISP does not provide you with a Wbmail Interface (this is a Webpage where you can log in and read your mails as well as write new ones, you might find a hard time finding internet cafes who don't mind you setting up the Mail Programs like Outlook Express with your ISP Data. Some make it technicall impossible to change the setup, some do not install any Email Program, and some others just don't like it. (There might be some who don't care at all, though). Two big Problems stay that you have to take care of in case you find an Internet Cafe that lets you set up your mail account: One is that you maust use your ISP's Pop3 Server Adress, Password and Username, but you have to stick to the SMTP Server (the Program the ISP of the Web Cafe sets up for sending mail.) So doing it when nobody is watching you at the Web Cafe means you have to find out the ISP's SMTP Server Adress all by yourself ... can be done by looking into the details of any saved Mail Programm Profile, or by a long recherche procedure which I believe you won't be able to follow as it involves a lot of advanced Internet technique as well as the use of some programs which are normally not installed on an ordinary Web Cafe Computer.

Second Problem is that you have really know what you are doing when you install your System, and also make sure you delete everything before you leave, or otherways your Account is open to anyone on this computer .....

Best is to find out if a) your ISP offers a Webail alternative, or in case he does not ask if it is possible to set up (or have him setup for you) a mail forwarding for your Account. In the latter case all you have to do is open up a free Email Account at any of these companies like Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and so on, and have your ISP automatically forward all the mail for you to this adress.


In case you have more Questions, feel free to send me PM.



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Very many thanks for the advice guys - I have now got my head round webmail which i had never used before and I will be using this in Pattaya to keep in touch with the rest of the world.

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