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I'm coming to pattaya at new year. Its been a while since i've been but ive been reading news articles and it seems like there is shootings and kidnappings in central pattaya every day. Is this the case or is it just the media exaggerating.



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I've been to Pattaya many times. I'm in town now and other then the police being armed. I've never seen a weapon. Pattaya is a safe place to visit.

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I agree it's pretty safe, probably safer than many other tourist destinations these days. There have been shootings, even random, but hardly everyday, or even weekly or monthly. I think there was maybe one back in the springtime in which a foreigner was a victim. I may be understating it, but I don't think so. Someone will surely jump in if I am. Of the reasons anyone might have to not go to Pattaya, I really don't think personal safety would be one.

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Agree 100% with the above. Pattaya is a safe place, most of the problems seem to be Thai on Thai, none of our business.


Safer than most of London at night,certainly safer than pretty much all of Manila with the exception of Alabang, & I'd wager safer than alot of other places BM's live.

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I find the average Thai to be helpful. I walk with a cane and unfortunately I'm not as speedy as I used to be crossing the street. I had a large number guys stop traffic and assist me. This morning I was riding my mobility scooter on Beach Road promenade and when I got within 200 or so meters of Walking Street. I made a mistake and I was unable to continue. A couple of guys saw I was in a difficult situation and came over to help without being asked.

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