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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Hey Guys,

Does anyone know where can I buy Dokha in Pattaya?

Its a kind of Arabic Tobbacco blend that you smoke with a small pipe and gives you a light buzz. Here is a picture:

The tobbacco itself is usually in a small clear plastic bottle. I tried going to Soi 16 the Arab Street but didn't find any pipe/tobbacco shops there, at night I only saw shisha bars and a pharmacy working.

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One of the most disgusting things that have happened to Pattaya,get the falangs to spend on shisha as the bars are getting quiet


I hate the sight of this in Patts!


Why do falangs and Thai girls feel the need to imitate the arabs? :soapbox:

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