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The portable air con units run on water. Apparently, there is a another appliance consisting of a unit which you fill with ice, so you have a cool standin unit, and a fan which directs the cool air as required. Wasn't aware of them mysel, but sounds like one may be good enough until I'm out next time when I can sort out the job properly. By the sound of it these things are a cheap option. However, I don't know the correct name for the things. See earlier post for full description...

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Yep, they're basically an evaporative based cooling system or "cold air advection" as I've seen them marketed as , neither of which will be much good in a high humidity environment. Niot sure of any brand names, but all electrical stores have them.


I've sent you a PM Ram, but went off on a bit of a yarn, sorry. I thought you were asking for the name of a full system and not the name of the cold air advection one.


A portable Air Con unit doesn't run on Water, water is a by product caused by condensation and also the dehumidification process it runs off into the drain tank which needs to be emptied occasionally / frequently depending upon useage and realtive humidity.


Depending upon where the system is going to go (usually the lounge area) then a portable one could be used to cool the bedroom instead of fitting a ceiling mounted unit in there. Cheaper than 2 systems, but more expensive than a fan / ice combo.

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Some aircons have the dehumidify option on their controls.


I would often run the dehumidify option at night while I was sleeping, otherwise I might wake up with a cold.

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A dehumidifier in Thailand? That thing would be running 24/7.


Yes, and the water coming off it could fill a five-gallon bucket in a day, LMAO!

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Couple of bloody good points you make there Yokul. I forgot to mention that portables also dehumidify, the cycle you run them on is down to individual preference. In the RP mine's always cooling as relative humidity is fairly low.


The work around is to attach a length of Silicon Hose to the Water Tank outlet on the machine and then feed it outside, also it needs to be draining at a lower level as the water isn't pumped, it's fed.


BTW if anyone is into recycling, the water which comes off is actually demineralised and can be used in Irons or car batteries once filtered. In the best Philippines fashion, our Unit has a hose which feeds into the dogs water bowl.

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