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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Hotel Resort near Nong Nooch

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On my last visit earlier this year a friend on the beach told me he had visited a hotel resort which was stuated just past Nong Nooch on the right. He even had the brochure. It looked beautifull and I would like to visit the place for a few days. I think it might have been called Sun Sand and Sea Resort  but I could be wrong.

Have any boardies got more info on this place. I would love to know.



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Thanks for your info. I dont think this is the place but it will be ideal to take the mrs. for a few days when she visits in jan.

bye the way Tom, when are the dates of your next visit?



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We arrive in Pattaya on 17 Nov and leave on 2 Dec.  Got nothing particular planned at the moment (other than dental check-ups) so we will just go with the flow over Loy Krathong and take it from there.  Let me know how you get on with your flights from AMS and any hints/pitfalls you come across.





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Tom, Have missed your wit lately but see that we will be in Pattaya at the same time.  I arrive 24 Oct. and leave Nov. 27th.  Hope we can get together at FLB sometime.


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I think I will know where to find you - just don't know who you'll be with!


There seems to be quite a lot of Boardies in town at the end of November at both the RG and Sabai Inn/Lodge so I'm sure there are some good times in the pipeleine.  If you are thinking of repeating your party experience let me know as I would be quite happy to chip in my cut.  Does the FLB not have an auction thing for the kids round about that time?


At the moment I'm trying to do a Sam Torrance and match the girls into pairs that will perform well together.  Tilac Deluxe assures me she will come down from BKK and is happy to partner anyone as long as she gets to play.  Sounds good to me.





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Tom, I think you are right about several boardies being in town the end of Nov.  I'll have to ask Ben what the party schedule looks like.  I know eltib is in town then also so maybe we can get a few of us together to do a party.  Any one else interested let me know.


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Dad - I will be in town (with No1 Tilac) from the 21st November till late December.

If your looking for someone to co-host a party then you can count me in. My e-mail is in my profile.


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