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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

eatigo application - anyone used it?

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Since Parkwahn asked about "grab taxi", I thought I'd put out a similar question to the forum.


Has anyone used eatigo ?


It's a discount reservation system that many restaurants are participating in, even in Pattaya. Most of the restaurants appear to be hotel based, but there are some smaller ones that they keep adding.


It looks like a way to fill slow business times with customers, and gives as high as 50% off meals to the customers if you're willing to eat at some less desirable times.


I've not used it (yet), but wonder if anyone has, and do the restaurants honor the discount without question or is it a hassle?

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I signed up for it a few weeks ago and have been receiving regular e-mails promoting the addition of new restaurants. There is a huge selection in Bangkok and a reasonable selection in Pattaya. I plan on using it next month when I spend a couple of weeks in LOS. I'd love to hear about BM's experiences with it before then.

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