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Accessing Members Page for Pricing?

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My sample idiot newbie question, on the basis that we're all allowed at least one.  ;D


On one of the Newbie Board posts, someone provided a link to a member's "prices" page - the URL was given as follows




When I try this, it brings up the message screen to input my User name and p/word, but this doesn't work, and errors out after 3 tries.


But the p/word must work, or I wouldn't be in the Members area to begin with - would I?


What am I doing wrong here? Is there a direct link to this page that I've missed somewhere?


Many thanks,



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The reason is that you have to have been a member of the old Board to have access, as membership of the new one is I believe totaly separate. Also this is not a question for the open board. IMHO. Please don't missunderstand me, but this belongs in the members only section where I am sure you will receive help on your question. ;D




Powerbob 8)

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