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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Skallagrim

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 09/16/1970

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    Somewhere in South Asia

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  1. Well, I am checking into YOUR hotel on Sunday morning. Is the suite ready for me?
  2. I was stopped once up in the Buri Ram area. But when he saw it was farang driving he simply waved me on in disgust. Rune
  3. Try Jasmine mansion, they are only 50, 60 meters down the street from the Soi Buakhao entrance to LK Metro. Else Areca Lodge on SOi Diana but probably booked solid. http://www.jasminemansion.com/site/ Lykke til!
  4. Relax, I'll be there in just 3 weeks to drive you insane with last minute requests and looking confused.
  5. I'll beat Cookie to it: http://www.jasminemansion.com/
  6. Not even a honorable mention...hmph! Anyway, looking froward to return for another stay in your hotel Cookie. And Mrs. Boss is only half as scary as Cookie portrays her to be
  7. Just returned from my trip and stayed at the Jasmine mansion. I have traveled in many countries and stayed in a lot of posher hotels, but have to say that the Jasmine mansion tops them all when it comes to comfortable beds, friendly service and generally making you feel welcome. I really drove poor Kevin crazy while booking and he did not even know until I actually was checking in if I would show up at all. He took it all with a smile and not a few jokes So to the rooms: I stayed in their cheapest room, 700 baht I think was the agreed price. For that you get a clean small roo
  8. Don't worry, in just two short weeks I will be checking in. I suggest you sharpen your pencil already now, and make sure your notebook has plenty of pages left in it. Anyway, I think I will just stay inside all of this trip. This could be the most entertaining hotel stay I have ever had. Maybe I could get some of you other guys to just deliver a girl for me, that way I woudl not have to leave this house of fun at all!!
  9. This is why don't miss working in the ME szam_r.wmv
  10. 1. The Patients hearing is very limited. Fact is that he can not hear anything on is left eye 2. The patient must refrain from all sorts of sexual activity until I can recieve her. 3. After the patient stopped smokking his smell has come back. 4. Have a headache in his head 5. The patient has a prostate the size of a mandoline 6. These where the patients that laid on my desk 7. The patient was 19 months pregnant 8. The patient thinks that the left toe is hanging down compared with the other fingers 9. The patient sometimes bleeds from his
  11. KFC McD MK Suki Wherever the FLB gets the grub from Room service at hotel...thats the places I have eaten in that town. I hate going to proper restaurants...
  12. Same reason as above, they do not fly every day. So far its been Thai Air. That have happened to be available for the dates I have been flying
  13. Well, I can choose between Thai Air and Sri Lankan Air, and each of them only fly to BKK 3 times a week. So I pick one that flies on the days I can travel. One thing that bugs me with Thai air is that when they land in Colombo, the bug spray the entire cabin. So not only is the service shite, the also poison you. On the other hand, I was treated noticely better than the rest of the passengers, who where all Sri Lankans (your "indian tailors"). Anyway, for new years they are offering the cheapest tickets off this fucked up island so Thai Air it is, but its only a 3 hour flight to B
  14. Whenever I ordered something with cheese on it, Pizza or any other variety of italian food involving cheese...Teeruk would wrinkle her cute nose, make a sound of disgust and ask, whats that smell? All while nimbly removing the legs of whatever bug she was eating at the time of course...
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