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About mulphy

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  1. youve got a real hard on for me you prick , havent you . why cant you see i dont give a fuck about you , your book shop , your cafe or you basic accomodation . i dont buy books , i eat better than you can provide and i wouldnt stay in your place if it was the only place safe from a nuclear holocost . so whats your fucking problem london boy ? fancy yourself as a cockney wideboy do you ? the day i need be jealous of you is the day i pack my bags and fuck off out of pattaya . so get off my back arsehole .
  2. just goes to show how shallow your thinking really is . you should know by now i say what i think and need no one to say anything for me . im not a fan of dave from canterbury tales that much is true and ive said as much , but not on this threasd until now and not for some time . why you and your arselickers go out of your way to link me to someone exposing canterbury tales yet again bigging their own place up on yet another forum , is beyond me . i couldnt give a monkeys about the place nor the guy , he gets no business or income from me and he is not a competitor to me for cu
  3. the stadium in chonburi is approximately 1 hour from pattaya . its not really suitable for a baht bus journey though it could be done but im sure it would be relatively expensive . admission to the games is a paltry 60 b and you simply pay at the stadium . you will have no problem getting in .
  4. makes no difference , if its the establishment or myself . still not behaviour that should be rewarded by a discount or special offer .
  5. not a chance . the rockhouse is not well received on here and no way would i offer a discount to members of talk . members of live , secrets , siam life , thai chatter , even addicts will all be given seasonal discounts and promotional discounts , but not pattaya talk . pattaya talk unfortunately , dont deserve a discount or special offer package because its not a pleasant enviornment to post in , and the few fuck things up for the many on here .
  6. mate , your barking up the wrong tree . sounds to me like you got fucked over by an insider in your hotel while you were out . these safes are not easy to open and i cant see any gogo girl being able to do so quickly and quietly enough while you were in the room . also why didnt you find the 100,000 b and saved work on her . why do your hotel say there are no tapes . what however has her actions , should she turn out to be guilty , have to do with her bar , the bar owner and her mamasan . all they can do is give you positive identification but you already have that .
  7. steven i see no need to repeat myself 3 times . ive given you my answer , and thats that .
  8. steven , its not that i cant , i just dont see the point . i ll say it again , im not interested in fighting and argueing with you . so im hardly going to go searching for posts , am i . you want to post to me in a civil manner you ll get a civil answer , same as applies to everyone else . post to me uncivil and you ll get it back in spades , just like everyone else . thats simple too , isnt it ?
  9. bullshit ? i ll stand by every single word of it steven . you dont seem to like it when i give it back to you . so if you dont want it back , dont dish it out . simple .
  10. if i am paranoid then you are delusional in equal measures if you think im wanting to beat you up . but no , you know i dont want to beat you up , but it fits your agenda to try and effect my business which is why you say it on a pattaya forum . dont worry steven , i seldom post on this forum , i dont look for customers on this forum and i see all that is written about me on this forum , at least 95 % of it bullshit , so i have plenty of reason to be paranoid . whats your reason for being delusional steven ?
  11. just leave it there then steven , its best for everyone concerned . im not interested in fighting with you or argueing with you , so if you stop acting like a snidey prick on forums i ll have no need to reply to you .
  12. see there you go again , saying things that arent true . you have been acting like a snidey prick , so its clearly you im referring to . quote anything ive ever said about you or posted about you that was a lie or bullshit . the facility is here and you can show me up if im supposed to be lying . problem with guys like you is you poke to get a reaction and then dont like the reaction you get . yes steven youve been a customer in my bar many times over the years , yes steven youve even stayed in our rooms , yes steven you gave me access to forums that i was banned from .
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