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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by rambo

  1. Hi Eric... How much 'long term' are we talking? And how would the booking of it go about? Cheers R....
  2. Hi you lot.... Gret info so thx......I knew there would be quite a few different experiences from different BM's... Thailand eh??? R...
  3. ....try the following site... www.travelsupermarket.com .....it will check up to 8 of the main Travel Flight Consolidators at the one time!! It works......try it!!! Rambo...
  4. Vidman.... Thx for the info......nice picture of you diving in the North Sea......hows life in Aberdeen anyway! Call me a cynic but have you super-imposed your pic to hide the murky waters and bog roll that pollutes our natural coastline??? Please do tell.....
  5. Hi All.... Can anone advice the easiest way to open a bank account/obtain an ATM card??? Which is the better/easier Bank to be with??? Also, any advice on buying a 'used' scooter.....insurance/taxes/laws etc... Your expert info please............ R...
  6. Heeloo All There is a Karaoke/live music Party at Taffys Bar Soi 13/14 this Sunday(just up from 'Secrets' on Soi 13 or 'Angelwitch' if coming up Soi 14. Taffys is right on the junction. Wednesday's gig was well great!! Shame if you missed it....dont miss this one!!! So if you can sing a note, or even if you cant....come along!! Good bar and no hassle!!! There are over 20,ooo tracks to choose from!! See you there.... Rambo....
  7. Heeloo All There is a Karaoke Party tonight at Taffys Bar Soi 13/14 (just up from 'Secrets' on Soi 13 or 'Angelwitch' if coming up Soi 14. Taffys is right on the junction. So if you can sing a note, or even if you cant....come along!! Good bar and no hassle!!! There are over 20,ooo tracks to choose from!! See you there.... Rambo....
  8. Happy New Year everyone..... If you want to continue celebrations, then i am Hosting a Karaoke/Live music Gig ON WEDNESDAY, 3 JAN - 2100 for 2 Farang holding their Birthday Parties in TAFFY'S BAR SOI 13/14 (just up from 'Secrets' and 'Angel witch' GG's). You can get up soi 13/14 from Walking St or 2nd road!! As I said, I(and me old mucker 'Vidman') will be doing DJ/Karaoke and a wee touch of Live Music (Bay City Rollers 'tribute' act) and a bit of 'Rock-and-Roll' . I have did a few gigs in this Bar which is now under new ownership. Usual Free food and the Beers are very reasonable!!!!
  9. Thx anyway..... Anyone else pls let me know.. R...
  10. WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON??? You would be better putting this offer on the 'non-members/first timers' board and you may be successfull. To put an offer like this to members is laughable!!!!!! Give me 5000 Baht and i will get you ... 1.ANY bar girl, her sister and her mother!! 2. ALL the drink you can pour down your neck!! 3. A 'jacuzzi' room in Soi Pattayaland for the night 4. A taxi home from Pattaya anywhere in Thailand!!!! Get real man!!!!! Rambo 3. 3.
  11. I will be arriving at BKK on the 2nd of Jan at around 6:30PM. If you, or someone you know, is arriving near this time and wants to share a taxi to Pattaya, please let me know.. Thx Rambo.....
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