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Everything posted by rambo

  1. Went to 'Bob's' to sample his 'midnight menu'. I was delightfully told as I sat down that they had no burgers...WTF? A grill with no burgers?? The meal was ha-sip/ha-sip and thats being kind plus the service was worse than poor. To boot....it was the most expensive midnight snack I have had in 12 years in Pattaya. Not one to down any business here, but if you cant get the basics right, your on a loo-oser!!! R.......
  2. Now, dont forget about the last time someone tried to take on the Scottish at Glasgow Airport? And I quote..... 'Well, if ye come tae Glesga and try take us on, wee will set aboot ye'!!! (John Smeaton, Glasgow Baggage Handler & Hero) PS. And that goes for anybody from anywhere on this Planet!!
  3. Fuck Me!!! Gabor is just trying to sell his Condo! Whats so 'effin wrong with that? Did some BM's forget to read his pre-instructions on the post? He obviously knew the flak he would get.....and for what? Give the bloke a rest! If your not interested in buying, why add a smarmy post? Gabs....good luck anyway! (I'll give you 700k) .......I'm joking!(ok 800K) R.....
  4. Alexist... I beg to differ from you mate. Good point you make.... but as I have said in previous threads....if you dont live for the 'now', you may be very sorry you didnt! I know this better than most. My 'life-threatening' predicament for me fortunately came at an earlier age. Cowboy......do what only YOU want and dont listen to me or anyone else. I hope you 'do the right thing' and thx for sharing your predicament with this board. Makes us arse-holes appreciate things that bit more!! Cheers Bud and if you come to PTY in the next couple of months, send me a PM. I do a wee bit of
  5. Exactly Bruv..... Watch out for that Dengue Fever though.......the mosquito that carries it is 'female' and bites during the day! (a bit like the skank in Soi 6!!) R.....
  6. Dont even think about getting Baht in the UK!!! Take a couple of hundred quid in Bank of England notes with you and change them at BKK airport. The exchange rate will be around 68 Baht to the Pound! (in comparison to 62-ish in the UK!) Open a Nationwide Account and stick your holiday money in there. No charge for withdrawals and an even better rate than at the Bureau's. I have used my Nationwide ATM for a couple of years now and its the bollocks! There was a wee rumour that they were going to start charging for withdrawals but I checked and their not! R........
  7. Suckers!! Ok, he's not dead!(well not yet anyway...althought the way he drive's his bike up the 3rd road, it wont be long!!!) Seriously though, he had 'DENGUE FEVER' and was wiped out for weeks. He's only just recovering now. Look it up on the Net chaps and if you have early symptoms...... 1. Go straight home (no ST stop at Soi 6) 2. Dont eat ANYTHING (not even a Crazy Dave 60B breakfast) 3. Get Rehydration sachets(or a big needle - like Pulp Fiction) 4. Dont move or waste energy(a BBBJ is allowed!) 5. If you see red blotches on skin, go straight to Hospital(not the STD clinics
  8. Yeh.....guess I am a bit sick!!! And just to continue with this theme.......there is a 'wake' for Vidman tonight in the Carousel Bar - Soi Diamond. We are going to have his body 'rotating' round the Bar from 8pm onwards! All welcome........if you have not seen a dead body before, please come along (or alternatively go to Bali Hali pier most nights......when the tide brings in more!!) Now that IS sick!! R.....
  9. Thank you for that correction and your valid point. You can now return to re-organising your stamp collection. Jolly good.......run along now. PS....your not related to 'Otherway' are you??? R......
  10. "DEATH OF A BM"!!! At 10pm last night, I am sad to say that BM 'Vidman', passed away at Bangkok International Hospital on Soi 4. He had been admitted for 'exhaustion' after an all-day crawl of Soi 6. The Ambulance was called to the 'Up To You' Bar, which fortunately turned up immediately as it was only 2 streets away but unfortunately to no avail. Vidman was pronounced dead after the fine volunteers of the Pattaya Ambulance/Break Down/Motorbike Repair Crew burst into the upstairs 'short time room' and found him in a pool of blood (as the BG he was with had her Period!). She was h
  11. Nationwide will NOT be charging for Foreign withdrawals as far as I can see.......no letter and nothing online! Good Bank and hassle free........ R......
  12. MM........shut this shit thread down! I said...you said...he said...... you two, GET A ROOM! R.........
  13. Ignore this 'storyteller'!! We shall drop in (me and Vidman) and have a beer with you. R.........
  14. Having used Aldergrove for years flying to/from LHR with BA(ah...they were the days!), I can say that there must be 'money on the table' for Aer Lingus to begin a BFS-LHR route. Its a non-profitable route and with many cheap airlines flying out of BHD, then it will again make no money for sure. I hope EI sticks around....as some of you have said.......BMI have the monopoly. And they are bastards to boot! For my N. Irish BM's travelling from BFS to BKK....have a look at flying to Manchester or Glasgow. Ethiad Air do a cheap deal from MAN and Emirates (the king of the air!) do the GLA-DXB-BK
  15. There's an excellent German/Thai Dentist on Pattaya Klang (between 2nd/3rd roads) called 'SMILE CLINIC'.! I can personally recommend it. My GF had a bad absess and seen 3 different dentists in the UK and none could put it right. She was in a lot of pain. Went to 'Smile' joint and they worked their magic. They have 'private' Dentists who come in from the big Hospitals to do extra work. Hope ths helps me friend.... R.......
  16. If its anything like the FLB party last night.....then will drop by! So whats in store buddy?? Needs to be a bit more than the same old few cold beers and a bit of skank! R....
  17. Big D... Do they do a monthly rate? And any Wi-Fi? Cheers... R....
  18. Anyone arriving on the 19th around 12:30 mid-day? I will have a taxi booked (regular Guy and reliable!) PM me..... R.....
  19. It serves very good food but nowhere near 'Jaimesons'!!! They have specials on every day and take it from me, there is NO better British/Irish style bar. Top food/service etc.... Try it.......(Monday night is Steak night THB175 - 3 courses.....) R...........
  20. The best 'comparison' Travel website is... www.travelsupermarket.com Now, I can tell you 100% that they are not 'middle-men'. They make money on the amount of website 'hits' to each Flight Consolidator. Make sure you try alternative dates for both your outbound and return. You will find this site a gem as it checks all the big companies in one go. Give it a whirl! R.....
  21. (moved to members bar!)
  22. You ALL gotta listen to Emil! I am not saying to be reckless.....rather to not be wrapped up in your 'safety net'. You do know about 'nets'?......They will always break eventually!! 'Balance' is whats required. I took what Emil stated about his friend(and stories like it) with a big jolt!!! I tell you, if I had 750k....in fact.....if I had 50k.....I know where I would be spending it!! I think I might start a thread on this to maybe kick-start myself and others into thinking......HOW LUCKY WE REALLY ARE COMPARED TO SOME FOLK LESS FORTUNATE!! R........
  23. 'Rumbler'.... I say bollocks!! You have to live for today. You dont know whats around the corner so playing safe is NOT an option. They say that 'its when you feel at your most safest, that you actually are at your most dangerous/vunerable' Think on young man!! 750k will see you a very very long time in LOS! Its a no brainer.....what you gonna do.....stay in Fulham and in your job for the next 10 years of your life and be miserable. You will NOT get those years back! Try not listen to the 'Yanks' on this board. They are the masters of investing/stock market/interest paying
  24. Hello Peeps.... Returning to LOS for my usual assault on society. I am looking for a small condo/room to rent from Monday(23rd Apr) onwards. I usually stay in a very nice and inexpensive joint just of the 3rd Rd. I am looking for something with a bit more edge to it. On the BB route would be nice but I will have a m/bike so no probs. A couple of BM's have sent me accom pics of condo's in Jomtien but i want to be this side of Pratamak Hill. Anything considered and as I say, will be arriving imminently so can move in right away. Let me know if you know a nice inexpensive spot (my u
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