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  1. Because Tangerinehouse and Bullfrog re-opened the thread
  2. MRoll320 I can give you some information about one of the private schools here - but I think it is the most expensive. My kids go to the Regent's which is possibly the most expensive school in the area (and I pay myself) The curriculum is UK, which is useful if you are a Brit and may have to return at any time or put your kid into another Brit school or onto a University in the UK - academic standard is OK - but some of the parents feel is not quite good enough to justify the price. The standard of other issues, like safety, nice environment for the kids, teachers from the UK, Aus
  3. I'm not back in town until after the 12th of May so I will miss this Pity about Beavers closing down, was always my first port of call on a night around walking street. My fantasy about being wedged in a giant hamster ball with 5 naked Beavers girls and rolled downhill will have to wait.... Crobe
  4. I quite agree, my post was not against people coming at all, just to comment that people are coming from many more places than before. While I was living with my Thai wife in England, most of our friends were from the expat community, or were married with Thais - we were lucky to be in Bath which is very international. At a dinner at our place one Saturday evening I counted 10 different nationalities - and I think this enriches the UK no end -it is just when you get a sudden influx of people from one country inhabiting one area of a town that it is seen as a problem. I find there a
  5. I was in Birmingham airport last week collecting the wife off the plane from Dubai, (that is Birmingham UK for our Atlantic friends). I saw an incoming flight from a place that I did not immediately recognise, and I am fairly well travelled. The flight was direct from Asgabat, which is Turkmenistan. So there are people travellling all over now. Just wait until they waive the visa requirements for the Chinese (mooted), that will be an influx everywhere. Crobe
  6. I just booked Emirates out of Brimingham (UK) to fly Sunday with a 3 day stopover in Dubai, As I have to be in Dubai for meetings this is perfect for me - I thought I would get screwed on the cost for booking late and the stopover, but in the end was £620. I am finding now that it is not paying to book so early, there are no good deals anymore - but you run the risk of no flights. I am platinum elite (for life) on KLM you cannot get higher, but then they joined with Air France and the service level slipped, since they joined with NWA/Delta this program has gone way downhill - previ
  7. LadyDrinkKing You are right, it is Pim, my brain is degrading after 4 months away from Patts. How could I forget her... Looking forward to getting back at Christmas Crobe
  8. Jin, If I have hewr name right, is the second from the left Crobe
  9. No, Jin is an old friend - I just hope I have her name right. I have gone in Misty's a lot, but I drink, have a laugh and no take-out Always had a good time up until the last visit, so as I say, I will give them a second chance when I go back next time at Christmas. In a lot of bars the Mamasan makes or breaks the atmosphere, maybe next time I make sure that the manager Paul is around. I am just hoping that Misty's is not going down the route of trying to rip off the first time tourists, which seems to be the game plan for the other Soi2 bars. I take your point about Classroom, o
  10. I used to like Misty's when it was open in the afternoon. Could pop in about 4-5pm as a break from the shopping My favourite waitress Jin would take care of me, a singha for me and a drink for her straight away, and we would usually select one of the dancers to give drinks to aswell. All very civilised. Last time, though, was different, no Jin and very few customers. The Mamasan was yery pushy, immediately wanting a drink for her and for one of the girls, who I did not like. Then a second girl comes over within 2 minutes and the mamasan is demanding a drink for her aswell, even thou
  11. I am sitting here woirking in Munich, Germany My wife called me today to say that she had been in Villa Market and they have that most valuable of commodities Branston Pickle Only Brits will undeerstand the significance of this Cannot get it anywhere in Germany Crobe
  12. crobe

    View Talay 7

    As far as I can see (by searching PattayaMail) they have not done anything on this story since April 20th. This is despite the court proceeding and administrative prders that have been issued last month after VT re-started work and a new injunction (to stop them building over 14m high) was enacted in the administrative court. In fact the only reference to the story since then is a recent letter to their editor (not by me) asking why they are not reporting the story Crobe
  13. crobe

    View Talay 7

    What I find is amazing is the absolute silence on this issue from Pattaya Mail and the other expatriate newspapers. This is an issue that concerns a lot of their readership as it could have effects on many other developments where ex-pats have invested A bit of honest reporting would be good to heighten the awareness of the ex-pat community - it seems they are all to eager to cover the fact that Ocean 1 has got its permit to build, but will not report on the VT7 story. Would be too much to expect that the poeple on Pattaya mail would be competent enough to do some investigative jou
  14. This is a difficult one, liked everyone else, I would like the best looking girl in the establishment to come across to me immediately, and the others to stay away, but that is usually difficult because a) I am not that good looking the best looking girl is usually taken c) They ALL think they are the best looking girl anyway So here is what my ideal situation is: Go to bar - nice serving girl sits you down and you order the beer Serving girl is good looking so buy her a drink so she will take care of you during the visit. Look at girls for 5 minutes, if there is eye contact immedia
  15. You will have to: 1) save a lot of money 2) Come to LOS on a tourist visa 3) Meet nice Thai girl 4) Marry Thai girl 5) Set up Thai company (49% you/51% thai girl) 6) Get work permit for company to employ you (not easy) 7) Employ 2-3 local chippies 8) Provide English speaking advice to farang building houses, condos etc (kitchens, built-in wardrobes etc - big market at the moment) After that you are a 44 year old carpenter living in LOS Crobe
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