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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by ricosuave

  1. I think just having it back to 50 and staying above there is enough for now. 70 isn't ever coming back in my opinion, the conditions that got it there in the UK simply won't happen again. 60 would be nice to see. Who knows.
  2. I think it's more to do with parts of Europe and America slowly but surely recovering from the recession and bouncing back a little. I remember the days of 70+ baht to the pound, have seen it slip to 43 and recover to 50 recently.
  3. Apart from the fact it describes 'yaba' as a new drug and a new problem, when in fact the problem has been ongoing for many years, I quite enjoyed watching this. Stacey Dooley seems quite keen to get her nose stuck in and go to places she probably shouldn't and quite brave of her to criticise several aspects of how the Thais try and deal with it. And i'd also slip her a length, shes quite cute.
  4. Great minds indeed, as soon as the Nationwide Flex went tits up, I went on the lookout for a new one. Just out of interest, on the google F/X bar, its got the pound at 45.53 baht today (30th April), what is it in Thailand at the moment.
  5. I've been using the Halifax Clarity card for the last couple of years, ever since the Nationwide Flex became useless. I would highly reccomend it, the only thing is if you are here for any length of time, to make sure you repay it as soon as possible to avoid interest charges, those are the only fees you have to pay. In every other way, it's as good as the old Nationwide Flex card was.
  6. joseph1, this is the trip reports section. People come here to read detailed reports and see photos of other peoples trips. That's the problem with these forums sometimes, people put things in the wrong section.
  7. One of the best trip reports I have ever read. Short, but enriched in details and narrative. Looks you had an amazing time.
  8. I too miss Emergency a gogo on Pattayaland 2, it was one of the first gogos I went to in Pattaya when I first came in 2001, and like others have said, at the time it used to rival Walking Street and it was hard to choose which was the best. I have the odd walk though, and sad to say the area has become a complete sausagefest, with a few desparate bars like Classroom trying to hang on. Walking Street is the only place I would go to now if I wanted a gogo bar crawl.
  9. Oooh I think i'll have a go at this. England Canada Columbia Venezuala Dominican Republic Costa Rica Cuba Brazil Puerto Rico France Czech Republic Slovakia Croatia Bulgaria Romania Greece Estonia Latvia Lithuania Ukraine Russia Liberia China Burma Laos Thailand Cambodia Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Australia New Zealand 32, not bad, not bad at all. Still to stick my flag in a Yank though, it remains on my 'to do ' list.
  10. I've been following this thread with interest, my Nationwide Flex Account has a positive balance of 1p. They can keep sending me statements every month forever for the inconvienience of me having to fanny about with a new method of getting my pussy vouchers. A Halifax Clarity card with quickly paid off balances and a Thai bank account seems the way forward. Rico
  11. Im sure after all the hurt it will give Roland enourmous satisfaction to hand over a 20 baht note and a 10 baht coin to the waitress, and pausing briefly to observe the scowl on her face, as he pays for his 30 baht draught beer. To increase the sensation, he could pay with 3 X 10 baht coins and drop them slowly into the waitresses hand. Plip Plap Plop Rico
  12. Yes i have stayed there, heres an extract from my trip report Ko Sametikaa kaa kaa kaa. http://www.pattayatalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29319 "However, i reccomend skipping the accomodation part of the package deal, and stay along either Hat Sai Keaw or Ao Phai beach, which both join to each other easily, and a whole new world opens up. 'A' and I staggered with our bags away from the Malibu boredom hole, followed the taxi signs, and went to Ao Phai, to the Ao Phai hut which is where i had decided we were staying. I like it because it is the next resort to the island disco 'Silver
  13. Good to see any barowner willing to try and bridge the gap between gogo barfine and beer barfine prices, smart move and good offer. Rico
  14. Made a long post but realised it made me a hypocrite cos i would be more than happy to drink free beer anywhere in Thailand so ive deleted it. Just wish there was a Bar Section for the board Rico
  15. Comments removed, no longer appropriate now thread is in right section. My apologies Rico
  16. Spent two weeks in the Paradise guest house back in 2001, so my recollections may be a little out of date but here goes. The location is maybe 10 minutes from the night bazaar but further to the Tae Phae Gate area and really you need to take a bus (usually 20 baht or 30/40 baht for tuktuk). I had a fantastic time there, but more because of the people i met rather than the hotel itself. There is a swimming pool, but everyone in the hotel could see you swim if they wanted to so its not very private. When i was there it was full of Israelis, and backpackers going on a trek, which if thats
  17. Actually they scraped past Weymouth, but were undone by the mighty Chester City fc. It was close though, if they had scored 4 more goals they would have won it. Rico
  18. Hi all, just a quick one. I get through a lot of listerine during my three month a year stay in Thailand, and i was wondering if the new citrus one was available in the chemists and 7-11s in Pattaya. I find the blue one stains my tongue and the plain one tastes foul, but the citrus one is really nice, and im sure Thai girls would prefer a lemon/orangey taste than stale Singha. Many thanks in advance Rico
  19. You mentioned that the DJs chillout bar had become a favoured hangout for people from the city of Hull. Does anyone know where it is, as im from Hull and would like to hook up with my fellow cod heads'. Rico
  20. Ive been with Turkish airlines for my last 4 trips to Los, flying out of Manchester. Ive never had any problems with them at all, apart from a fairly long stopover in Istanbul on the outbound flight. The £367 price you were quoted is very good, where did you get that price from. Im thinking of going in February. Rico
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