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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by boogey_knight

  1. Wish I could be there to wish this beautiful lady happy birthday. But I know lots of friends will be there to celebrate her day. Wishing Nam a Happy Birthday and All The Best for the coming year.
  2. Happy Birthday, Paul. Many happy returns! I'll be there in about 30 days, will stop in to buy you a drink. Cheers.
  3. Here's to success, Pete! Will drop by for some food and fun come March.
  4. Looked like an awesome time had by all. Happy Belated Birthday, old man. Keep up with your great work for this board. See you soon, Adam.
  5. Welcome back, Nam. We missed you! The parties at Cherry Bar are not the same without Nam.
  6. Great news, Ricky, and congratulations. Will stop by next time I'm in Pattaya. All the Best!
  7. Happy belated birthday, Nam. Wished I been there in person to toast your birthday. Adam, thanks for the wonderful pics. Looked like another great party.
  8. Wishing you all the best, Paul. See you when I'm there. Cheers!
  9. It's coming along, Paul. When's the grand opening? Cheers, mate!
  10. Looks like there's a second floor or loft.... I can envision myself there for some ST activity.
  11. Wishing you a Happy Birthday now, as I won't make it there on the 26th. Will arrive on 24March, so will stop by to say hello and down a brew!
  12. Whereabouts is this playground? I'll make a visit there when I arrive 24March.
  13. Paul, so it's confirmed, you're opening a new place on Soi 15. What's the name and when's it open? I'll be arriving on 24Mar, definitely will be dropping by for a view, hello, and a brew.
  14. Thanks for the pics of the party, great as usual. Some nice new ladies, hope they stay around til I return in late March.
  15. Thanks for the pics of the festivities, looked like great times had by all. Congratulations, Danny & Sai. Live Long & Prosper!
  16. Thanks for sharing the pics with us. Great times had by all. Wishing you and the Cherry Bar staff a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. I'm coming in March, save a drink for me!
  17. Thanks for the pics, Adam. Looked like good times, as usual. Nam is such as sexy lady, always dresses nice and looks great. What's the status with her? I kinda remember some said she's your bar manager or mamasan. Is she available for bar fine? I don't want to cross the line and do something I shouldn't. Thanks.
  18. Adam, thanks for the teaser pics, they're awesome. To do list, checked!
  19. NO, no pictures please. That'll make my wait for my return trip so unbearable. Will these pics be of the real girls who works in your place? On second thought, go ahead and flash them for me. I would love to piece them together to pick out my BF when I get there.
  20. Thanks for the advice, Plahgat. I am Chinese, been in USA most of my life, not rich but certainly no cheap charlie. The eye contact thing don't seem to work out real good for me, so mostly I would go thru the service girl route. Practice makes perfect... will be back to Pattaya soon for more practice.
  21. I prefer to go into a place, order a drink, and browse the scenery. But on several occasions, after I make eye contact with a girl or two, they still will not come sit with me after their dancing. What are some of the signs I need to make to these girls? I am Asian, with average looks. I don't stand out among the crowd, so I guess the girls won't seek me out. But as most BMs have said, it shouldn't matter as I have the bahts to pay. I had to resort to asking a service person that I'm interested in meeting a particular dancer. What do I have to do, go up to a girl and drag her to
  22. I am pretty sure that all the TGs who wants to work in bars knows the game. So every one of them should be available for BF. If they do not want to go with a customer, then they should be blacklisted with a black tag. This will let all parties involved know the status of that meeting. Then it's up to customers if they still want to buy her a LD just for her company in the bar. If no black tag, all are fair game.
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