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Everything posted by STARGAZER

  1. guage...the jeweller never gave them the ring on Friday. But all weekend long the ho thought on Monday the check would of cleared and they would go pick up the ring. So she fucked him really good all weekend long..........
  2. Got a place at The Landings. Haven't been in nearly 2 years now. GOLF PARADISE. The Landings. Deer Creek is my favorite and Marshwood kills me for some reason. Low Country Boil. Mrs Wilkes. The Squares. Happy Hour. Yummy. Now ya made me think of booking a ticket and checking in on things down in Savannah. You guys tolerating us Yankees ok these days?
  3. Cafe Uno...the name says it all. Talk about all the rest but Uno is the best.
  4. I have never left anything less than ultra satisfied with the food and prices at Uno. And I am generally a pretty harsh critic.
  5. I like Ricky Hatton, but Manny will whup him good. I hope Ricky survives and gets out of the game with all his faculties still intact. He was a great champion but his day is over. No need to take beating after beating on the way out the door.
  6. take it that it has been many moons since you witnessed an elite level rugby match up close. Is there a world class rugby player left on the planet who doesn't wear body armour on the LIMITED parts of the body which an oppossing player is allowed to hit? Not disputing a rugby players toughness, just pointing out the fallacy in the typical counter argument that alleged rugby afficianados like to use. It is a stupid argument to begin with. Simple laws of physics give quite an objective view. Speaking of elite level rugby.......It is 7's weekend in Hong Kong. Best damn party on the fa
  7. that is a funny dude. never seen him before!
  8. whilst I think I have my head properly wrapped around why same routing, same airline, same dates can yield different fares based on what side was the origin,...this is one I can't figure out. I will use a real live example UA...HK to Savannah, Georgia. It will route you HK to CHICAGO direct, connect in Chicago to Savannah. Say the posted RT rate is 4K USD$. But if I ask for fare HK-CHICAGO, same day same airline, same routing as the HK_SAVANNAH ticket the HK CHICAGO ticket is significantly more expensive, like 10% more....figure that one out????
  9. airlines don't think in terms of one way tickets. Quite simple. They assume (and I believe rightfully so) 99% of all purchase will be roundtrips. They than let natural progression of laws of supply and demand take over. Right now, from anywhere in the world it costs more to book originating from bangkok than originating from somewhere else and going to bangkok. Why...simple...the demand to go to thailand is very low right now. Thus is the lower the price, the hope is it will spur demand. And than you have subsidations of fares. This happens alot in true tourist destinations. Be it fro
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