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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Chilli Pepper

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About Chilli Pepper

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  1. Just an update, booked with Eva for £440 a few days ago. Happy days roll on June.
  2. Thanks guy's for replying, think I will give BA a miss.
  3. Got a price alert from Skyscanner today, BA London - Bangkok £399 direct. Always go Eva or Thai and avoid BA, but for £399 would you go for it, or wait and hope Eva price comes down?
  4. Hi Tim Stayed at Le Katai a couple of years ago, enjoyed it but must admit the rooms looked like they needed a refurb even then. Are you still selling Bulmers and Magners cider in the bar?
  5. Ahh Boardwalk Empire, right up there with my two all time favourites The Sopranos and The Wire. Must see tv. On the other side of the coin, i know you either love it or hate it. But watched the american version of Top Gear of the weekend.
  6. Champagne gogo in lk metro used to open about 2pm. Personally i would give Far East Rock and Nevada gogos on soi post office a miss. They were pretty grim last time i went in.
  7. pompeyjoe if you let us know more info on how you intend to spend your day? Like how much you drink, how many girls, beerbar or gogo and so on. Everyones different someones comfortable budget per day is different to the next. Personally i budget on about 5000 - 6000 baht per day. Some days i spend less somedays more, but thats just me. CP
  8. Yes please repost, i find the old pics fascinating.
  9. Theres a pharmacy on soi buakhouw opposite the sugar sugar gogo that sells Apcalis. Its cheaper than most places, i think the pharmacy has green writing on the frontage.
  10. I can confirm the free shuttle is just from BKK to Pattaya, if you book two nights or more in one of the Pattaya hotels. Don't know why they do not offer the same service for Patts to Bangkok?
  11. Unlike most international airports Heathrow's hotels are not allowed to offer free complimentary shuttles. Instead fixed route "Hotel Hoppa " buses operate to several hotels on each route from Terminals 1 and 3. Separate routes go to Terminal 4 and 5. Just go to your terminal as normal then take the Hotel Hoppa for your hotel or hotel to your terminal. I think they start about 4.30 - 5am ish from hotel to the terminal. its £4. CP
  12. Last 3 trips have been with Eva never had a problem from London, my first choice when looking for prices.
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