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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About windynoi

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    x0||Australia|||| Darwin
  1. I agree, this is not an email by an Australian
  2. Nice reply Cookie, dont worry about MIGHTYONE, he is well know for talking shit, as in the conflicting emails below. Do you have website for your place? "MIGHTYONE Posted on: Oct 17 2006, 09:16 PM Senior Poster Group: Members Posts: 730 Joined: 9-June 05 Member No.: 7560 Nice report Voracious but I do get jealous when I read about other members having 2 girls. I must try it sometime. Forum: Trip Reports · Post Preview: #383576 · Replies: 15 · Views: 475" "MIGHTYONE Posted on: Sep 18 2006, 09:07 PM Senior Poster Group: Members Posts: 730 Joined: 9-June 0
  3. Why would anyone want Jalapenos (mild chillies/peppers) when then they can get real chillies Jalapenos are are for people who think they like Chillie but can only handle the taste of Peppers.
  4. Totally agree, some people dont understand the difference between flagging down a Baht bus and jumping into a parked one (although there are exceptions, ie where the parked baht bus wait until it is full before leaving). Using a parked one will normally be 100 baht plus and and even flagging down an empty one and stating a place you want to go can also mean you are hiring the baht bus (100 baht plus) rather than just using it as a bus (10 baht). I wouldn't bother going to the Tourist Police unless the BM is sure he didn't actually hire the baht bus. From the original post the driver actual
  5. A bit late with this post, sadly Bigmike passed away earlier this year
  6. What about all the property you are trying to flog on the shhhh board
  7. Yeh I agree, if its not too personal, and some pics of the house and area would also be great
  8. Maybe not a bad thing, force all the Lager Louts back to Spain
  9. Con your way into a 50% plus disability pension and you can have a good life in LOS
  10. So did I But what has this to do with snowboarding
  11. Thanks Mick, I will have to make some other arrangements then
  12. Do they have 24 hour room service. I have done a search but cant find anything on this. I will arrive at the Hotel at about 2am and will want something to eat, but dont realy want to go out at that time. Windy
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