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Everything posted by bratpack

  1. There was a bar called save the golly in the new plaza,pattaya,until it changed the name to Pussy bar due to a change of ownership. Even got a shirt with the gollywog on,can you imagine wearing that in the uk with the pc brigade.Suppose some people will make a big issue of this but i thought it was very funny even if i was black.
  2. I think the swaztika in Thailand means soemthing to do with budhism too
  3. 99% of people living in Aston are not english,not racist just a fact and the government are not racist for allowing these gentlemen to live there and have a good life claiming money,how generous are we.
  4. Must admit their breakfasts are brilliant and great value too.Also the french place(i think) on soi leng kee do a great brekkie for 100 baht.
  5. What is it with some of you dimwits,Paul puts a good offer on to help customers,and to get more customers in due to the downturn in tourists and some of you moan like fuck.Get a life and go in or dont go in UP TO YOU but dont slag this well meaning offer
  6. Thank god we all can have different points and ideals.Would be great if there was a happy medium,so UK wouldnt be so POLITICALY CORRECT,and Thailand would be less racist against others and there own darker skinned Thais. If i was Indian/Muslim etc i would be more happy in the uk due to the racist laws and would milke the situation like many do.Thailand suits me because i am white and i cannot complain too much as one of the reasons i moved here was the unstable situation in the uk against anybody thats not a minority ethnic
  7. Perfect jock,fuck the world and be happy mate. all the best
  8. thanks for correcting the guy,i couldnt be arsed with the PC brigade.Where there is fighting and Muslims are involved,there is always the extremests sticking their oar in. FACT
  9. Cheshire Tom. how do you know that muslim extremists or arabs are not helping the muslims of the south to pay or give them bomb making equipment.
  10. World baseball champions,christ man you cant even get beyond the semis. your claim to be american football world champions is right though lol. I bet youe pansies of the game wouldnt dare play rugby league without all that body armour.
  11. Think he might be a bit confused
  12. of course Kolobos,which will be easy as Thailand need tourists
  13. Pattaya Monger. every 90 days you can go anywhere in the world to renew the 90 days,doesnt have to be Cambodia or Laos.
  14. Nice one ric. Even though i prefer Pattaya to be quiet,as i live here,my thoughts go out to most bar/restaraunt owners who need as many tourists to come and spend money.Most of us expats dont spend loads in gogo bars/walking st etc,but we do contribute by buying houses/condos/cars/bikes etc.We actualy go out for meals too lol.
  15. Some girls there are from Pattaya so same same.
  16. Got some good mates who are ozzie so i know lol lol
  17. btm1735 totaly agree with your comments,but i do look at the pics lol. I have a wonderful memory and cherish everything,so dont need the pics,plus my missus would kill me if she found them heheheheheh.
  18. Must admit,i dont like the name much,sounds like a watering hole for the ozzie brigade and they can be a bit brash and loud. Hope i am wrong because i would like the bar to be a great success. btw,the owner better be careful of Mulphy,if you put your drinks lower price he will smack you with a baton or tortue you untill you admit defeat.
  19. There are a couple of thai masage blind schools in Pattaya that are good.One off naklua rd and one on soi bongkot.
  20. if its a problem for you then go away.Mike will know if he is right marrying not you.
  21. Its normal practice not to have photos from these places.This has been going on in Amsterdam for over 25 years.
  22. There are enough bars to accomodate different ethnics,the problem could be the bar girls reluctance to leave the bar with you.
  23. looks a good menu and value for money too.will give you a try soon.
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