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Everything posted by elk

  1. Apologies, I see you have been active on a number of topics, sorry to pigeon hole you.
  2. Just a suggestion mulphy, how about contributing to some other posts other than the SOI LK METRO post? Plenty of other subjects we chat about on here, feel free, its not all about promoting beer bars/soi's. Good move to move it imho, those posts were starting to clutter the members page.
  3. Personally I will stick to Walking St and the surrounding areas
  4. Now THIS go-go was my favourite from last trip, and I hope so again this time round. Nice pics and thanks for sharing
  5. Absolutely fillthy and disgusting, how can you suggest such an act? Are there any that do scat?
  6. Thanks for the report fella. Sounds like the old 'arab' disco, as it was known has had a facelift. Have they got rid of those silly steps that I always used to trip over when I was pissed? Anyway sounds up my street, being a long-time Marine Bar fan.
  7. elk


    Thanks for the info about the pattaya-by-night mag, I bought the first one, and it keeps me going through the day to day grind here in the uk
  8. Hi rab, no its nothing to do with e mail, it's just everyday normal web surfing, the e mail is not the problem, thanks for swift reply anyway
  9. Hi fellas, not really a question about the board in particular, but I have just got a new laptop, moved evrything over from my other one, set the internet connection up etc etc. However when I am on the internet, surfing away, no problems, suddenly the page cannot be displayed, detect network settings error message comes up. The icon in the corner is still showing i am online, as is the adsl symbol. I have to disconnect from the internet, restart the computer, log back on and everythings ok again. I have a wireless conection too, but obviously that is not on, when I am using the cable
  10. Be very careful here. I took out travel insurance this year, I had a motorcycle accident, smashed my head and broke my collar bone. spent 3 days in Bangkok Pattaya, and had about another 5 visits after, check-ups x-ray's etc. They took 20,000 off me before I was admitted and the total expense was 52,000 baht. Upon return to England and trying to claim on my insurance they tried not to pay because a clause in the policy stated I had to inform them immediately i was admitted to hospital. As I had suffered concussion and did not know what day it was, I was unable to do this. To cut a long
  11. agree 100% with this post The Raj on third road has gone completely downhill, used to go regularly but last visit this year they had 2 staff and kept cocking the orders up, unless it had improved dramatically avoid.
  12. View talay buys it's own water which is delivered regularly
  13. Have you heard this? mourinho team talk
  14. sounds good rawlins, looks like final thailand v notlob, and 3rd place game city v bin dippers, try and get some pics would be good
  15. As a city fan it did cross my mind to go over and watch this 4 team tournament, also featuring Bolton, and everton, but cash restraints prevented it, would love to have gone though, I wonder if any of the players in the Nana car park tonight?
  16. Think it was a piss take i.e all the supporters are southern softies
  17. always sad to hear of a tragic death so young, especially in these circumstances, from someone who has never met her, sincere condolences.
  18. this is the method I use in the uk. everytime I go to the dentist (every 6 months) I get 2 of these plastic syringes cost about £12 each, squirt the liquid into the plastic cast of my teeth (which I had done on the initial deal) wear overnight and take off in the morning. Seems to work, done twice a year and no discomfort, although can be a bit sensitive for a coupe of days
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