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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by sanuk300

  1. Thanks guys. I got it now. Sorry I was just a little over excited that maybe we could get this visa done. Will keep trying.
  2. Next time try Pho Paya (sp?). Second Rd. just bast Big C same side of street. 2hr. 400bt you wont be disappointed. Enjoy.........
  3. Well, the situation may be different but you stated that "even a bar lady" can get a visa to the US. And what does living in Thailand have to do with it???? It's a US visa and has nothing to do with living in Thailand. The US immigration is in control of visas as far as I know. So I am at a lose as to how "even a bar lady" can get a US tourist visa. I will greatly appreciate further clarification form you and or lovedog. Like I have said, It has been my actual experience that is virtually impossible to get a tourist visa for the majority of Thai ladies. But hey, I am sure there is a way..... I
  4. MM, am I correct in assuming that lovedog was married to his wife when he got the visa? A tourist visa for a wife would make sense. But I would still like factual proof that any lady, as you say, can get a tourist visa. This has not been my experience. We have been trying to get a visa for one of our nieces for two years. The only visa that is some what possible is a student visa but it is expensive to get and I would like for her to come visit first before I commit to a student program. The foreign student fees are outrageous at the universities. Can you ask some of these people how they did
  5. I'm speaking from experience. Not hearsay. I would really appreciate it if you would have one or more of your sources come online here and tell us how they did it. This is not a flame, I am serious. I would really like to know???
  6. 100% true. Tourist visa is imposable. The visa places wont even talk to you if you mention the U.S.
  7. I've heard many good things about you and your bar. Will stop in when I'm back in December.
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