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Everything posted by BarrioRunner

  1. Both the flb and the Cherry Bar are the two that I have met the most BM's from any of the sites on Pattaya. In either of these two, just ask who is in town or the bar that evening and you will be hooked up. flb has a sign in board when you enter, so you will see who is in flb that evening. At the Cherry Bar, just ask for Adam (Hammer) and introduce your self and handle from the sites and he will then in turn intro you to any BM's at the bar. john PS I tried to pm you, but yo are not enabled as yet.
  2. HJ No. Not a problem to bring in TG's at night or during the day.
  3. Stayed at the QV this past Jan/Feb with the reservations made in Oct/Nov 2005 and they never asked for any deposit at all. Sam same for the stay in April 2004. Seems out of place for them to ask for a deposit.
  4. York I am not sure how well you know Gary. I think Gary is a nice guy and was fun to be around with. As for the Alamo Bar being boring. IMHO, I think ANY bar in Patters could be boring if no one hangs there. The Alamo is a nice small little bar that we used as a meeting place to meet up with expats in town. If I wanted a ber bar that was larger and loud with music, there are plenty of places to hang out. To each his own with regards to what board members like in their bars to hang out at.
  5. p3S I have been told Gary does not hang out at the bar much due to some problems. It's a hit and miss lately. You may be lucky to run into him.
  6. This is NOT the same Gary you are thinking of. Gary who owns the Alamo Bar is not on any Pattaya sites. The Alamo Bar is a good place to hang out in the mid afternoons and get the party started. A meeting place for expats. John
  7. What's his name? I bet if you look up the word ugly in the dictionary, you will this picture next to the word. My dogs look better then that.
  8. I just lost my dinner. That's f ing sick.
  9. Andrew Sent you a PM for our dates as well. John
  10. Rocky Is this what you are getting at Ft. Irwin????
  11. Stayed ther in April 2004 for Songkran and had the one of two penthouse rooms on the top floor with the balcony over looking Soi 6. Nice size room, good service and quit. The back entrance is good after the front door closes at mid night. You will get a key for the back door and the guard will check you and your girl prior to entering. Staying again in late Jan 06 for two weeks. It may not have a pool, but I don't travel 9,000 miles plus to sit in a pool. Have not seen the Lord Nelson as yet, hear it is as good as the Queen Vic.
  12. ha ha funny funny How did sky's wife get on here
  13. Not being familiar with what flies out of your location, many board members here can help you out. As for going to Thailand for over the 30 day period. Have you set up a visa for the extend stay? Unless you are going to make boarder runs into Cambodia, you need to get a visa for anything over the 30 days. Thailand gives you 30 days in country as long as you have a return ticket in hand. Since I have as yet stayed beyond the 30 days, not sure what you have to do on your end for that visa. As for making the satement you are a newbie and asking these questions. This is what this b
  14. All in fun. So you are saying you could not eat a whole one. Must have been a big pecker then.
  15. I went to the link someone put on here about the airlines and how people reported on them. I would say that JAL based on what some had said was an OK airlines. Some of the problems they stated could be from any airline. Looking at some of the pics of the 747, it looks "same same" to me. Like the snacks idea a it cuts down on them having to always run around helping the passengers out. Now if ONLY theu would run around in very small swim suits, I would for sure stay awake.
  16. I thank everyone for their opinions on JAL. We have done alot research on JAL and their seating layouts. We are not sure as of tonight which type 747 we are on to Osaka out of LAX. We have made it clear to our travel agent that they needed to ensure thay communicate our requests for seating in the emergency rows for the extra leg room we both need.
  17. Booked on JAL to Bangkok out of LAX. Anyone on here used JAL? Good or bad? Looking for your opinions.
  18. If you are a USN Sailor and your ship is coming into port. I would NOT be advertising this. It surprises me that the USN will be in port again after so many years of NOT going to LOS. Cobra Gold is the closest the USN/USMC gets to Pattaya yearly now. If you are part of the group I think, YOU need to stop advertising.................... This will ONLY get the trip into port CANX"D. As for hotels to stay at. During Cobra Gold, there was NO over night libs in Pattaya for anyone. Libs ends at 2400 back on base/ship. Buddy system enforced. So don't think that you are coming in
  19. Yank, German??????? Does it matter. I think I have seen her a few times, but never really looked at her. I wonder how she is getting along with no help, job, etc.? Very sad to see this.
  20. Not a nice way to end a request from boardies IMHO.
  21. Totally agree with you. Met John and he is good people. TR is a good place to eat and have a few.
  22. WTF is this post about?????????????????????? means YOU are angry, so why and who with???????????????
  23. A very sad day it is. My condolences go to her family and co-workers at FLB.
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