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Everything posted by Powerbob

  1. It's actually easier if you walk up Soi VC, then turn right at a big shrine and snooker hall lol, it's about 100 yards on the right ;D sanuk Powerbob 8)
  2. hmmm the new 5.7 version, nice. Powerbob 8)
  3. I'm sorry but at 30000+ per month it looks rather plain to me. You can get much better monthly deals in Pattaya than that, especially in the low season! I have to aggree with Smitty that the security is very lax, I know this from personal experience. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  4. Na ya habe 20 Jahre in Deutschland gelebt, binn zwar Englaender aber veleicht reicht es ya trotzdem, und auch kein Reiner sonder Robert! Be there from 28 th April perhaps we can meet up for a drink? Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  5. Changed to WINXP Pro 2 weeks ago, and wow what a difference! ;D But I must add I had no problems logging in with ME at all! Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  6. Hi Odense, I used to use the same configuration as you, but have now changed to winxp pro. I still have ME installed on another drive so send me an email with your settings and perhaps together we can sort out your problem. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  7. Hi, there are 4 ways you can do this: 1) Take the Thai Limo Bus, depending on season there are at least 3 departures per day. cost about 250 bath. 2) Take the Airport Bus from the corner of Terminal 1 and 2 to Ekamai Bus Station (cost about 100 bath) and then take the Bus from there to Pattaya Bus Station cost about 65 bath, and from Pattaya Bus station take a Bath Bus to your Hotel. 3)Cross the road (from the Airport) and go to local train station and take train to main station and then to Pattaya, pros: very scenic, cons: 1 Train per day! http://www.srt.motc.go.th/httpEng/
  8. Hi mate sorry to hear about your problems, first off what version of Win and IE are you useing? I'm useing Windows Millinium and IE6, have high security, cookies enabled, and firewall installed. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  9. Yes it looks good Pete, and as to your 3 questions yes,yes,yes ;D Just for your info am using Mill Win with ie6 at 1024 res. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  10. The reason is that you have to have been a member of the old Board to have access, as membership of the new one is I believe totaly separate. Also this is not a question for the open board. IMHO. Please don't missunderstand me, but this belongs in the members only section where I am sure you will receive help on your question. ;D Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  11. Hi Agent, from what I can gather from your post price is important to you, well the best thing is to rent a studio, ie large room (most with aircon and tv). This is what I've been looking for as well. One of the best so far has been View Talay in Jomtien: http://www.viewtalay.com/ and of course the Vinai Place which Harvey got some details on for me: http://www.geocities.com/vinaiplace/ Hope this helps you a bit. Alternativly look in the Pattaya Mail in the classifieds section. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  12. Thanks Harvey, and pics are great. The reason I wanted to check this place out is because I'm looking for somewhere not to expensive, as I intend to stay for a about a year, and living there is a lot different to just holidaying. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  13. I've heard of cheap charlies, but ::) or could it be a windup? mmmmmm I wonder? ;D ;D ;D ;D Sanuk Powerbob
  14. No Fonz I'm perfectly happy staying at YS, but it's allways good to check out new places. Don't want to get in a rut ::) do we? Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  15. Check out the posts in "Katoey" thread leo, you "might" find some answers there! ;D Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  16. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Your the man Pete! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Sanuk (and a big thanks) Powerbob 8)
  17. What has happened to the pics in my trip report part1? :o Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  18. requests from other members in no way excuse the tone of your post! Unwarranted attacks on members are not clever or funny, just plain sad!!! ::) Sanuk? Powerbob 8)
  19. Is it time for "have a go at barry time" again now that your "back" Tony? Don't you have any other topics? what about "Unwarranted Ban" ? Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  20. Oh I see, I think I've got it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Sanuk Powerbob [move][glow=red,2,300]I am "hansum man"[/glow][/move]
  21. Anyone know anything about this place, Vinai Place, Third Road, Pattaya Located along Pattaya 3rd Road between Pattaya Klang (Central Road) and Pattaya Tai (South Road), some 100 metres behind the Buffalo Bar. Sanuk Powerbob 8)
  22. You saved me asking the same question Paul, thanks. Sanuk Powerbob
  23. Yes a good idea that, about showing if anyone is in the chat room, how about it Pete is that possible? Sanuk Powerbob
  24. Clever !! actually wrote SH*T above but Yabb changed it to nuts ! LOL Surprised Powerbob
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