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Everything posted by fi33er

  1. cheers redwood13 looks like things are looking up trying to get a credit card is a pain but the electron cards are very easy to get hold of fi33er
  2. i tried to set up an ebay site last year in thailand with a visa debit card (siam bank visa debit card) and ebay refused the card i could set up the account but could not open a sellers account with it has anything changed
  3. i booked in this place on my 3rd trip to los and lets just say i wasn't the only one not happy with the hotel. i had a room without a view (a brick wall) 1940's decor 2 single beds that couldn't be moved and the bathroom was absolutely disgusting it looked like someone had died in the bath and i would only recommend it for the location factor, on my next visit i booked into mikes hotel further along up on the opposite side of the road i paid 1,200 baht it had a double bed a single bed a 3 seater settee, a dining table with 4 chairs and boiling water on tap excellent for the midnight munchies
  4. what isp do you have, normally these companies also give you free email addresses aol, bt broadband, bulldog, tiscali to name but a few fi33er
  5. i spoke with my girl on this matter and she has informed me it goes with a phrase and it goes something like sooway bot mai or sooway mai bot i think this translates to something like i am more beautiful than you now go away not sure though.
  6. if this tale is found to be true i shall be having harsh words with my girlfriends, sisters son(he's 4) as he is always striking that pose in photos.
  7. Strooby try sugar homes on 3rd road it has everything you asked for apart from the in-room safe it does have the safety deposit boxes at front desk. i stayed there for a month and i rented a bike for the duration there are bike taxis out front or if you walk up to the main road you should easily be able to jump on a baht bus. i was charged 8,000 baht a month plus bills and a deposit of 6000 baht.
  8. just had this emailed to me thought i would share Absolute Gold!!! Only an Aussie could pull this one off! From the State where drink driving is considered a sport, comes a true story from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a local neighborhood tavern. Late in the evening the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so intoxicated that he could barely walk. The man stumbled around the car park for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing. After what seemed an eternity and trying his keys on five vehicles, The Man
  9. she will have the mortgage in her name she has the proper documented work history with income but does not have the 100,000 baht it takes to sign up for a new house, when buying a new house you have to deposit several payments over a period of time (4months while the house is being built) then approach the bank for a mortgage and they send a valuer to the property and then they will say yes/no.
  10. not sure where i mentioned her salary or her savings ($0.00), in all of that it will be a mortgage in her name that i will help pay for, as i said before if i'm not with her then i won't be paying it.
  11. i want to purchase a house later on this year i will definitely be getting a mortgage for the longest term possible with the smallest deposit i was fucked over by my ex-wife (welsh) so that has left a bitter taste in my mouth and i will find it very hard to trust another woman 100% from anywhere in the world. it will be all in my tgf name but if i'm not with her i don't pay the mortgage simple as..
  12. i wouldn't bother with the deep sea fishing it's not that productive i have been several times from pattaya and we have only caught decent fish on one of the trips it's ok for the small stuff, i would recommend one of the many fishing parks around pattaya some hold very good sized fish and your mate can always tie a hankerchief round his head if he don't like the sun
  13. i pre-booked my seat on eva last year and for the return earlier on this year but both times they said that the flight was very busy and they were unable to give me the seats i had requested, on my return leg i was 3rd to check in but still they said they were unable to give me the seat i requested, the main reason i use eva is because i can change my return flight without any hassles. i would under no circumstances ever use BA even if they were £200 less than eva cos the motherfuckers made me redundant in 1999...............
  14. i know an american guy in chiang mai who is a teacher (he was a high school teacher in california and relocated to thailand) and he earns 30k, he reckons he is better off money wise working and living in thailand, the rent on his 1 bedroomed apartment is 6,500 plus bills and the rest is all pocket money. but the job does have it's fair share of problems he is paid 30k and his thai teaching assistant who has to help with the translation in his classes works double the hours he does and she only gets paid 10-12k and they don't talk very much.....
  15. i bought a car in thailand last october and i had the challenge of teaching my tgf to drive, it's only a 1.3 automatic i didn't think it would be that hard but my god how wrong i was, she had already been recieving lessons from her friend and by the time i got to her it was all too late the rott had set in, her friend told her not to worry about any other traffic on the road apart from the car in front and not to worry about motorbikes as you are in a car and they will avoid you and for me that about sums it all up. the thais graduate from a motorbike to a car but they still have their motorbi
  16. PERTURBED i like yourself no longer visit pattaya as i am hooked up with a girl but if things went tits up for me i would be back there in a heartbeat as it is one of the most insane cities i have ever visited, a tourist can do pretty much what he/she wants without too many hassles, okay crossing a road is a gamble but then hey if i cross a road in london i am taking a gamble and as for the smell, i just love the smell of pussy. i spend most of my time now up in chiang mai ok the thing that would make it perfect for me would be a beach but alas the lakes they have there will do
  17. chairman i booked a flight from bangkok to chiang mai on air asia it was 1400 baht (per person) one way only thing to watch out for is they charge you 70 baht per kg excess baggage 15kg is the allowance, i was lucky enough to be with a woman at the time with no shortage of things to fill 2 suitcases with, we had 61 kg's between us needless to say the cheapflight wasn't so cheap. i don't know if this is expensive as this was the first time i travelled with air asia i booked the flight in pattaya in topps, the little boothe outside of the pool hall on the 2nd floor hope this helps fi
  18. chef andy if you have been offered that much then i would like to propose a job share with you. we can do 3 days a week each and have all that time to spend the money and if it's a job on a kebab van then hell i've always wanted a go on one of them meat shavers, i would do anything to live and cook in the los fi33er
  19. cheers again guys will try and book it now fi33er
  20. i am planning to marry my TG in england in may and i am coming to bangkok on the 30th of this month to fill out the forms etc.. does anyone know of any hotels near the british embassy and rates as i would like to stay as near as possible to the british embassy i have heard there is one over the road if there is i would like to hear about it. dont let me down now guys your help as always has been awesome fi33er X lovely to look at lovely to hold when you touch them consider them som
  21. cheers to all guys, some awesome info only wish i had a real email address to join up properly fi33er
  22. thanx guys grateful for all info cheers fi33er
  23. i am planning a trip to pattaya on the 6th november i will be staying there for about 14 nights then heading up to chiang mai for 3 or 4 nights, i have never been to chiang mai so i would like some advice on the best hotels near where all the action is my budget for a room is 1500-2000 bht a night any help from you guys would be much appreciated cheers fi33er
  24. i know i'm sad but i counted what symbol appears the most and hey presto it was always that symbol that came up in the mystical crystal ball, god i'm bored cant wait to get back to the los in october fi33er
  25. alan i have just posted a credit card to my brother who lives in pattaya i have posted several items to him in the past using the post office and it has been hit or miss to say the least so i posted him his card using initial city link they charged £38.50 for this service they said it would take 4 working days to arrive but alas it did not arrive at his home address it arrived in bangkok and that's where it stayed my brother rang the office in bangkok to try and arrange delivery and the person in the office kept saying to my brother cannot deliver, cannot deliver so my poor brother had to mak
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