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  1. Smallest book in the world. German joke book.
  2. BAM. Hammer Nail. OP was a troll. Maybe he was searching for like minded nimrods.
  3. MM. The title is DRINKS plural. Keyboard brain fart I'm sure.
  4. Quote: Get a free drink? I don't know. It's your thread. You tell us if we get a free drink. It's amazing to me people that classify themselves as "authors" who don't know the first thing about grammar & punctuation. ????????????????????? Does that make me look smart? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? Is the book on about a 6th grade reading level? My fren you?
  5. So give us all the details on the free drinks. Or else ask MM to modify the title. Possibly bait & switch.
  6. Wow. A guy with ethics. What a refreshing change. A wise decision which will avoid all kinds of problems. 2 thumbs up.
  7. I like that chicken & egg analogy. Some little gems in there Syb.
  8. Me neither. Pool Tables? btw - your timeline is waaaaaaaaaaay off. Soi 7 Beer Garden has been there 10 or 15 years. Maybe more. Can't remember.
  9. I guess according to you it wasn't that "TOP" huh? I am sorry you are unable to read ENGLISH. POM grub is widely available.
  10. With a name like that are you really surprised?
  11. The airport is a little mini city that never closes. I can watch the planes landing all night out my living room window. It's the bollocks.
  12. Thanks Rambo. Seems some of these jackoffs don't like humour. They're jealous that Pattaya Mail got scooped.
  13. Debit card. ATM machine. Carrying cash is a real bad idea.
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