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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Fornicator

  1. It's great to hear stories about honest people. We tend to always tell horror stories and not anything about good people. Thanks for the good news.
  2. Italy out with loss to Uruguay ! England has a scoreless draw with MM's Costa Rica.
  3. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
  4. Damn that was so close to a win for the US! Now we have battle Germany on Thursday. I'm going to my favorite Portugies restaurant on Thursday to watch both games at noon!
  5. It would be nice if Ghana kicked the ass out of the Germans today!
  6. France kicked the shit out of the Swiss today!
  7. Costa Rica scores!!! 1-0. At 45'
  8. Costa Rica is doing ok vs Italy early in the match 0-0. Go Costa Rica!
  9. Big win for USA over Ghana !!! Go USA!!!
  10. Germany kicked Portugal's ass 4-0 !!!! Dam I'm rooting for Portugal.
  11. MONEYWATCH-The Truth Is In There Some Where!
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