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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About jaber-daber

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    United States

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  1. need help figuring out what visa to select for expat in USA for a mutiple entry 90 visa...use to get no problem havent been since pandemic and all has changed...need exact visa to fill out AND payment info...use to mail in money order with forms...now the embassy gives nothing but website...cant figfure out which visa to fill out...please send info to 113322qqeeww@gmail....am not computer literate to try and get back here.
  2. Jacko I send Aoy ( young lady that works the main desk at City Garden) an email every couple weeks to inquire...right now only thing available is 32,000 per month...I know there are better deals out there. But thank you for the heads up.
  3. I am looking for a 2 month rental (1 bedroom condo), not interested in studio. i would prefer something that is off soi 15 , 2nd road...or on 2nd road. City Garden is my preferred choice. the condo must have elevator, A/C, full kitchen, covered, secure parking, pool and an exercise room. The location has to be between Pattaty Tai and pattaya Nua, and between beach road and OFF 2nd road. Any help would be appreciated. Arriving January 7, 2018 for 2 months.
  4. BAZEL jaber-daber, on 04 Aug 2017 - 8:42 PM, said: I think you must mean Third Road, not Second Road as Soi 15 does not fit your stated criteria. Soi 15 runs between 2nd road and soi Bakoaw....it is the first soi coming off the right side of 2nd road traveling from pattaya tai...not sure if you understood the post...but that is not unusual.
  5. I am looking for a 2 month rental (1 bedroom condo), not interested in studio. i would prefer something that is off soi 15 , 2nd road...or on 2nd road. City Garden is my preferred choice. the condo must have elevator, A/C, full kitchen, covered, secure parking, pool and an exercise room. The location has to be between Pattaty Tai and pattaya Nua, and between beach road and 2nd road. Any help would be appreciated. Arriving January 7, 2018 for 2 months.
  6. bazle, august 23 is not too late...I know when I was there this past March...a german man had several units listed on the board in Bldg C. I called a couple times but did not get an answer.....any help would be appreciated
  7. sent Aoy, at city garden an email...she replied only (1) one bedroom now available and it is 34,000/month...more than i want to pay. i have stayed there a few times...perfect set-up.
  8. looking for a 1 bedroom condo to rent for 3-4 months. I will be arriving mid December and staying until the end of march, 2017. i would like a place that is located between beach road and Soi baukoaw, and between pattaya tai and pattaya Klang. ideally would be on soi 15 that runs behind the Avenue to soi baukoaw. it has to have an elevator, decent wi-fi, of course A/C. A pool would be nice, but not a deal breaker. has to have secure parking for motorbike that is out of the weather. Thanks for any help
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